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How to Tell Your Boss You Are Going to Be Late (with template)

This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to effectively communicate your lateness to your supervisor and minimize its impact on your professional reputation

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Why Doctors are Wrong about Grain in our Diets

The health effects of a grain-heavy diet have come under scrutiny, with concerns about the potential link between excessive grain consumption and various health issues

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The Amazing Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar: A Comprehensive Guide

What’s all this fuss about apple cider vinegar? Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various ailments and health issues

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How to Decode Body Language to Find Out if Someone Likes You

Understanding body language is a crucial aspect of human communication. In many cases, nonverbal cues can provide more insight into someone’s feelings than their words

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When you Should and you Shouldn’t Count Calories

Depending on your individual health goals and lifestyle, counting calories can be either a helpful tool or an unnecessary hassle

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Macadamia Nuts: Nutritious, Delicious and Expensive!

Macadamia nuts are a type of nut native to Australia, and they can be a great addition to anyone’s diet. But what exactly makes them so beneficial? In this article, I’ll be exploring the many health benefits of macadamia nuts, as well as discussing the price of these tasty treats. First off, let’s look at

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How to Use the Price-Quality-Time (PQT) Conflict When Purchasing

This is an important consideration when making high-value purchases. The Price-Quality-Time conflict is an age-old problem that has plagued businesses and consumers alike

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The Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon: A Comprehensive Guide

Cinnamon is a spice that has been used for centuries in cooking and medicine, and it’s becoming more popular as people learn about its many health benefits

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Simple, Nutrition-Based Remedies for Dandruff

If you have suffered from dandruff throughout your life, you’re probably on the lookout for ways to manage this condition. Nutrition plays an important role in reducing dandruff

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Why it’s Super-Important to Properly Recover After Exercise

Recovery is critical for any type of exercise routine. But it’s especially true for those who do resistance training because of the intensity level involved

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Are You Getting Enough Salt?

We’re told to not eat too much salt. But is it actually that bad for you? Salt is a form of ‘electrolyte’ that our body requires

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10 Free and Easy Exercises you can do at Your Desk

There are exercises you can do at your desk or work station – no gym membership required! I share 10 great ideas to help keep you fit and healthy.

10 Free and Easy Exercises you can do at Your Desk Read More »


Are you Too Agreeable to be Successful?

We are often told that ‘being nice’ – agreeable – is a way to be successful. But how true is this?

Are you Too Agreeable to be Successful? Read More »

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The Top Ten Causes of Inflammation

Inflammation is one of the body’s natural responses to injury and infection, but when it becomes chronic, it can lead to a wide range of health issues

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A Freelancer’s Guide to Maintaining Fitness

It’s easy to become sedentary and neglect your health while working as a freelancer. I believe it’s important to stay healthy, both mentally and physically, as part of your overall wellbeing

A Freelancer’s Guide to Maintaining Fitness Read More »

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