How to Tune Into Language as a Technical Leader

Technical professions require precision in language. We can’t express computer program code in slang, as much as we can’t express an insurance illustration without being exact. So in our profession, you’d expect all articulation and use of language to be unambiguous and precise, wouldn’t you? Well research has shown that technical professionals can still lack

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Using Chaos to Organize large scale programs and projects

I frequently see and hear about how organizations struggle with the planning of programmes or large scale projects, as is often the case nowadays, they involve the integration of many partners, business units, mavericks, doubters and in summary complexity. The complexity, at first, creates chaos which manifests itself as overwhelming dependencies and uncertain delivery dates.

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Is Governance a pain in the ass?

‘Governance’ is a term that is becoming more and more popular in today’s business. Governance, in essence, is the process of policing an organization internally, making sure standards and policies are adhered to, budgets are kept and that decisions are rational and appropriately transparent. Governance is there to ensure your organization complies with Sarbanes-Oxley, should

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Suggest a subject

I frequently receive suggestions on subjects; these are always helpful – it helps me focus my writing on to topics that have value to you… and that’s why I do this: to add value to the community of technical professionals. So I’d like to hear from anyone who has a suggestion for an article on

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