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Can I be Fired for a Bad Performance Review?

I’ve been in the workforce for a few years now, and I know how important performance reviews can be. But I’m sure many of us have asked ourselves, ‘Can I be fired for a bad performance review?’.It certainly is possible, depending on the circumstances. The exact laws vary from country to country, but generally speaking […]

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5 Digital Advertising Channels to Try in 2022

With so many options, where should you advertise? Everyone might be advertising on Facebook and you might have heard that TikTok ads also have a very promising future. But in order to choose the right advertising channel, you have to understand what they’re all about. That’s why today we explore 5 digital advertising channels worth

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The Utility of Blockchains

Many people use a blockchain without really comprehending how it functions and if it is secure. The main attraction of blockchain technology is that you do not have to worry about its safety, but you may wonder why that is.If you bought a cryptocurrency on an exchange like, you need to know how blockchain technology

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A Professional Liability Insurance Guide For Newbies

As a budding entrepreneur, you invest much of your time, money, and effort into getting your new start-up business off the ground. However, you’ll find that you’ll end up investing all your assets into creating a company that you’re proud of and that it can all be taken away from you just as quickly if

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Detailed Guide to MT4

If you don’t know what mt4 is and how you can use it to gain fortune, you came to the right place. MetaTrader 4 is made for traders with and without experience and offers automation of the process. Before you decide whether you want it or not, you have to understand its specifics. About MT4

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How To Get Good Headshots Of Employees

The headshot is one of the most critical images in your professional life. It’s how the hiring manager or company recruiter sees you and decides whether you are the right person to work with them. You should always have a line of communication open with someone in your network who can provide insight into what

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Amazing Tips to Attract Customers to a Trade Show Booth

Trade show booths are full of exhibitors who are there for the same reason you are, to create leads and sell. Therefore, you must have unique strategies for attracting customers to your display stand without overwhelming them and trying to create a lasting impression on visitors.Organize Games And GiveawaysA contest or a giveaway can help

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Debit Card for Teens: Teach Your Child Financial Responsibility

Debit cards are a popular way for teens to manage their money. Deposit money into the card, and then use it like a regular debit card to make purchases. It can be a great way for teens to learn how to budget and track their spending. There are a few things parents should keep in mind when

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Fix and Flip Investing: What You Need to Know About the Lucrative Industry

Fix and flip investing is a great way to make money in real estate. This is because it is easy to do yet has the potential for high returns. However, to be successful in this market, there are a few things that you need to know. You can’t dive into this market without proper preparation.

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7 Gold Business Ideas And Opportunities To Start This Year

Time and effort must be invested in all aspects of the idea-to-execution stage for any business idea to succeed. This is especially true for gold and other precious metals. A strong business plan, unwavering enthusiasm and determination to achieve, and technical ability are just a few of the attributes that’ll increase your likelihood of succeeding

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7 Must-Have Third-Party Integrations For Healthcare Web Application

In recent years, online healthcare systems and mobile health (mHealth) apps have become popular, especially now that telehealthcare is something most people prefer—and, in some cases, is the only favored option. These programs offer tremendous benefits to both healthcare providers and patients. With them, the healthcare industry can potentially and significantly reduce healthcare costs, improve

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Data Analytics vs. Data Science: Which Field is Right For You?

In a world that is only getting increasingly connected and more and more reliant on technology, big data has become one of the biggest players in the world. Today, companies of all sizes and in every industry these days are constantly collecting large amounts of data that they can turn into actionable insights and useful

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9 Surefire Ways To Build Entrepreneurial Skills

Apart from the traditional nine-to-five job, you can achieve many professional opportunities if you have the correct determination. Numerous individuals turn their hobbies and interests into prosperous enterprises. You’ll require unique qualities to succeed if you’re considering beginning your firm.While some entrepreneurs assert that they were born to run a business, it has never been

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How to Approach an ‘Exit Interview’: A Guide for Managers

An exit interview serves as a way to gain feedback from employees who are leaving, and this can be invaluable in helping to improve the working environment.

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What to do if you had a Bad Performance Review, and it Wasn’t Your Fault

When I got my first performance review, I was terrified. It had been a tough few months at work and I thought the feedback would reflect this. I remember putting a lot of effort in to preparing for my performance review. But when it came through, it was far worse than I expected—and worst of

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11 Tips To Grow And Engage Your Community

Community is key to a successful online presence. When your audience feels like they are a part of something, they are more likely to stick around and become loyal supporters or customers. This blog post will discuss 11 tips for growing and engaging your community. You can create a thriving community that will help promote

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4 Sneaky Ways Small Businesses Are Wasting Money

Businesses are often looking for ways to cut their operating costs. They usually try to find ways to save money on energy, material, or suppliers. However, sometimes they don’t realize that it’s the small things that are affecting them the most. They do not spend enough time reevaluating or monitoring their processes and are paying for things

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cloud infrastructure

7 Tips For An Efficient Cloud Infrastructure

It’s almost impossible to talk about more convenient and efficient business operations without mentioning cloud solutions. As businesses and institutions embrace digitization, a cloud solution becomes a necessity. Cloud technology can be used for workflow management, data management, scheduling, and communication. Moreover, cloud solution means that businesses don’t have to invest in complex information technology

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Helpful Tips for Starting a Small Merch Shop This 2022

Experts say that 2022 is a great time to start a small business for the following reasons:Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are pivoting toward the “phygital” (physical + digital), and there will be greater digital solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Users and merchants alike will have more access to tech-enabled resources and shopping experiences. That

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5 Crucial Steps To Take When Upgrading Your Gigabit Internet

Having a reliable and fast internet connection is essential for the current generation, whether at home or in your business. Gigabit Ethernet has become the talk of the town in different parts of the world, considering the many benefits that come with it. Feel free to learn more about Positron gigabit broadband solutions if this phenomenon is

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