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Ways to Fund Your Business Without Wealth or Connections

If you’ve ever read articles about how people funded their small businesses and found that many had access to either family wealth or generous investors, you might wonder how you could ever hope to find funding without access to either of these. In fact, there are a number of different ways to get money for […]

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Sources Of Downtime That You Must Shut Down

Downtime has to be expected, to some degree, in any business that relies on digital technology. However, that doesn’t mean that it has to be tolerated when it starts to affect your ability to provide services and meet targets. That’s when you need to start looking at the causes of your downtime and make sure

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10 Steps to Take When You’re Ready to Sell Your Business

At the end of many years of business operations, some owners may be ready for a change and want to either sell their business and start a new venture or get prepared to retire. For whatever reason, business owners can get the help they need from brokers who manage commercial sales and understand the in’s

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More Space Needed? Here’s The Things To Think About When Expanding Your Business Premises

It is time for a change. Business is good, sales are up and the additional room is required.Perhaps you work from home, but working from the kitchen table is no longer an option. Or perhaps you need to expand in order to take your solid business to the next level.This could entail the development of

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Is the ‘Proximity Bias’ a Real Threat?: Almost Three-Quarters of Brits Fear WFH Will Negatively Impact Their Careers

While working from home has been seen as the ultimate goal for some people, it also comes with caveats that can jeopardize someone’s progression in the company. What is proximity bias, and why are almost three-quarters of Brits fearing it will negatively impact their careers?What is Proximity Bias?Humans like to be around familiar people and

Is the ‘Proximity Bias’ a Real Threat?: Almost Three-Quarters of Brits Fear WFH Will Negatively Impact Their Careers Read More »

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Tips for Moving From a Shared Office to Your Very Own Workspace

For the past two years, the world has mainly focused on work-at-home developments and occasionally some unique ideas for hybrid workflows. However, as things generally improve around the world and more people are starting to return to their office workplaces, many companies are starting to think about how they can further improve their workplace to

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Building Your Online Business And Store From Scratch

Forming a business is never easy. There are so many questions to consider.What sort of business should I create? What is an LLC? Do I need to establish myself as one? How do I report my taxes? How do I accept payments? Should I sell online?The list goes on, and on, and on!If you do

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Uncovering Hidden Potential That Can Help Your Business Grow

It should come as no surprise that it’s fairly common to reach a point in your business where you simply stagnate. Perhaps you’re no longer reaching your target audience or maybe your new customer acquisitions are slowing down drastically. Perhaps you’re even thinking of quitting because you’ve reached your previous goal and can’t see yourself

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Are You Ready For More Office Space?

Business growth is one of the most exciting things that you go through. And can cover several different things. For example, it could be that you guys are moving into a new and exciting market. It could be that your team needs to add a few extra members to it.  And eventually, it will mean

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Preparing Your Business For A Disaster-Level Event

A number of different disastrous events can strike your business during its lifetime, from extreme weather to criminal activity, but it’s vital that you can fight back against these risks and dangers to protect your business and its contents. Thankfully, learning how to prepare your business for a disaster-level event doesn’t have to be as

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How to Streamline Operations in an Organization

Processes are said to be streamlined in companies when they are made simpler. Removing challenging or unnecessary phases is generally how this process is simplified in various organizations. There are multiple ways to streamline processes and current corporate information technology platforms that may assist firms in achieving success. Although it may consume some time, it

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Boosting Employee Performance: Tips on Training Your Employees

As a business owner, you know how important it is to have adequate staff. Your company’s success is dependant on its ability to perform at the highest level every day. Therefore, you must invest time and money into training them with that in mind. In addition, you need to provide employees with the knowledge they

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Should You Lease Or Buy Your Commercial Property?

Finding suitable premises for your business is a big step. Choosing the wrong on the property can have disastrous consequences. But should you look into renting or buying a property for your business? Each has its own pros and cons. When deciding, take the following into account. BudgetBuying a building outright needs a substantial deposit as well

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Tips on How to Make Remote Working Better for Older Employees

With the pandemic hitting hard, employees were forced to adapt to working from home, something they were not entirely eager to leave. You may need to boost your employee’s productivity as they work from home permanently, especially those aged forty years and above who happen to be the most vulnerable to the virus. You have

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Start Your Restaurant Successfully With These Tips

With many lockdown restrictions starting to ease, starting a restaurant has never been more attractive. People will want to dine out more, now that they’re able to.That doesn’t mean that setting one up will instantly lead to success. Multiple factors will affect this. You’ll need to make sure that you have the deck stacked in

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Important Things To Consider For A Work Event

Work events come in many forms, from parties to team building activities or even work conferences. Whatever the event is, managing and coordinating an event for multiple participants can be a challenge and there are important things to think about before you do. Today we are going to take a look at some of the different

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Why You Should Be Training Your Staff (And Not Putting It Off)

If you’re not training your staff right now, you’re missing a trick. Practically every valuable firm in the world understands the importance of training and why it’s necessary. While it involves an upfront cost, the payoff is usually many times what you put into it.  Unfortunately, a lot of firms don’t see it that way.

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6 Strategies to Win a Car Accident Lawsuit

After an accident, you may have a lot to handle. Pain from injuries, medical bills, loss of property, and wages are among the things you may face after a car accident. Attorney Adam Slingwein, an acclaimed car accident lawyer, notes that if you or your loved one has been injured in a car accident, you

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