
How to Rebuild Your Online Reputation After a Mistake

Managing a reputation in the digital age can be a marketer’s nightmare. Sometimes, despite a company’s best efforts, an unfortunate situation occurs and causes seemingly irreparable damage. So, what do you do after your brand is “canceled” or you’ve become the meme of the week?Here’s how to rebuild your business’s online reputation after a mistake. Have […]

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Tips On Preparing Your Finances For A Fresh Start

Sometimes, a fresh start in life is needed. It might be your own decision, or it might simply be the hand that fate has dealt you. While many aspects of your life rest back to zero, your money situation mustn’t be one of them. Only a significant amount of preparation can help you here. This way,

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The Benefits Of Doing Renovations To Your Home

When it comes to doing renovations in your home or around it, there can be many advantages to do work on your property. Whether you’ve been meaning to do it for a while or you’ve been inspired by something you’ve seen or watched, it’s good to plan and organize the project so that you can

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Why Networking With Other Businesses Should Become The Norm

When we think about networking, we see it as an event where people show up to grab free things and leave. That may have been true at one point, but these days, marketing network events have evolved into so much more.Customers enjoy networking events just as much as the businesses who set them up. Not only

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3 Tips To Improve Your Marketing Strategy

In a world where competitors are more than ever, and people are making a switch from retail to e-commerce, it’s the ideal opportunity for entrepreneurs to take a shot. During the covid-19 pandemic, millions of individuals reverted to online shopping; this trend never ended as the pandemic started to fade away. We are still amidst

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How to Become a Virtual Assistant

Being a virtual assistant has many perks, such as setting your hours, working from the comfort of your home, and taking on only the work you can handle. If you’ve ever wondered how to become a virtual assistant, there are some easy steps you can take to embark on this exciting new career. A virtual assistant

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How to Support Your Employees Through the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected millions of individuals and businesses globally. The outbreak has led to changes in several workplaces and relationships among co-workers while altering different lifestyles. To a large extent, there has been increased stress, decreased workplace morale, and a lack of team cohesion, all of which affect performance and productivity. A

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3 Ways Millennials Can Fight Back Against Financial Stigma

Millennials have received a bad rap over the years, dubbed by numerous media outlets as being ‘bad with money’. There is little truth to this stigma, and in fact, the consensus is broadly beginning to change. Millennials are becoming increasingly active in managing their money, and they are notably doing it well too. Still, stereotypes can

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Onboarding Made Simple: 5 Steps To Take

Onboarding is a very important process in helping the new hire become a good fit for the corporation or organization. A great experience during the onboarding stage will leave a lasting imprint on your new employees. Often, it creates a good first impression to these beginners on their first day if the onboarding process makes

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What’s the Deal about FICO Scores?

Credit scores have figured themselves into much of Americans’ personal finance. They are one of the primary requirements for applying for mortgages, personal loans, and credit cards. Some jobs may even check them to verify an applicant’s sense of responsibility and accountability.But how much do Americans know about credit scores, particularly FICO? How does the

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How to Become a Successful Workplace Leader

Are you determined to climb to the pinnacle of the corporate ladder? If you’re to scale this incredibly lofty height and achieve this ambition aspiration, you’re going to need to cultivate some real leadership qualities. Once you become a better leader in your place of work, you will start to create an authoritative personal brand

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The 5 Steps to a Successful Career Change

We all have those moments where we feel unhappy, unfulfilled, or under-appreciated in our professional lives. It may be that we could benefit from looking for a career change. The days when you choose a profession and stick with it throughout your entire professional life are long gone. It’s not uncommon for people to have

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What would Jordan Peterson say to somebody who was facing their Performance Review?

As somebody who has become a global phenomenon for his views on self-improvement and personal development, it is not surprising that Jordan Peterson’s advice is sought after in a range of situations. Performance reviews are no exception, and if a person were to ask him how to best approach their own performance review, Peterson would

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How to Set Up a Home Office Space

Lately, more and more businesses allow their employees to work from home. This is particularly the case ever since last year where so many of us had no other choice. Now, working from home does sound quite appealing, especially to those that were never in an opportunity to try it out.While working from home does

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How to Dress Professionally: Business Dress Code Basics

In the past, every single business had their own strict “business-appropriate” dress code. People working in corporate offices needed to dress a certain way in order to fit in with their general surroundings. Luckily, in the modern business world, strict dress codes are slowly but surely phasing out.  That being said, however, there are still

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10 Credit Control Tips for Your Business

Credit control can be a very effective way of maintaining cash flow, but it does come with its own set of risks and pitfalls. To learn more about how your business can use credit control effectively, read on… If your business is looking to ensure that customers pay on time, then you may want to

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The Simpler and Better Way for Company Formation in China

Today, China is without a doubt one of the global economic giants. What is more impressive about China is that its economy is overflowing with potential, and has opened the market to global trade. It is because of this that its manufacturing sector is booming, and you should not be left behind in taking advantage of this

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6 Ways to Upgrade Your Home Business

In this day and age, working in a corporate setting is not the end all be all. If you are smart and determined, you can now create a home business that will support you and your family. The beauty of having a home business is that you can control every aspect of it, without having

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