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Preschool – 5 Important Things to Look for When Choosing a Programme

We all want the best for our kids, so choosing a preschool will take some time. It isn’t a case of picking the nearest one to home, we need to do some research to ensure we find the best possible option. If your child is getting ready to go to preschool, consider these 5 tips […]

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11 Project Management Tips for New Project Managers

A lot of people start out as project managers. However, in some cases, it takes more time to earn the responsibility and trust that comes with the position. This is especially true if you’re a beginner and you’re still trying to learn how to maximize the available resources and build the necessary skills to rock

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How to Not Get Sued – 3 Tips to Protect Your Business From Legal Action

We are becoming an increasingly litigious society. Perhaps we’re taking our lead from too many unrealistic American films, and TV programmes and people have started to perceive legal action as a guaranteed way to get a free handout. Many disputes in the business arena end up in court, and as a business owner, you want

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Setting Up A Fleet For Your Business

Are you thinking about establishing a fleet in your business? This is a great move and can be a wonderful incentive if you are hoping to attract more of the best employees to your business. Here are some of the key considerations that you need to think about when setting up this part of your

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Safety is More Important Than Ever

“Safety is paramount” is a common phrase in any industry. An expression such as this rings especially true for the building and construction industries. Even during the global pandemic, these businesses are carrying on and continue to grow and expand. Regardless of the current state of global affairs, the world keeps moving, and you need

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Seven online courses you can take for free

Have you ever heard about MOOC or Massive Open Online Courses? If yes, then you know that you can take most of these programs for free. If not, well, continue reading to find out more about how you can gain access to these readily available online courses.What is an MOOC?Massive Open Online Courses are courses

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How to Read Body Language

Understanding body language can help give you an advantage in life, as it can provide a better understanding of what a person is thinking rather than just what they are revealing through their speech. Knowing the tics and the signs that convey confidence or insecurity can help, particularly in business settings during high-pressure negotiations. Physical communication can also help people of

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Things to Keep in Mind When Moving

Are you someone who is moving out? If yes, then, as a matter of fact, moving out is a huge responsibility. There are many different aspects of moving starting from planning to gathering all your stuff, keeping hundreds of things in mind, while also making sure to plan about the place you are moving to.

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5 Tips for Running Effective and Engaging Meetings

If you’re a business owner and employ others in your company, holding regular meetings can be a great way to analyze how your team is doing, keep them in the know of the latest developments, and ensure everyone is happy and content in their roles. Whether you hold one-on-one meetings or as a group, everyone

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Creating The Perfect Hybrid Office Design For Your Business

The way that businesses design their offices has changed a lot over the last few decades. In the past, it was all about cubicles because it was believed that they helped people to focus and shut out distractions. Eventually, it was suggested that the cubicle layout stifled teamwork and creative collaboration, so businesses started moving

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Finding The Right Market Position For Your Business

Whenever a business gets into a market, they tend to find themselves in a position relative to other businesses that can help them better make decisions. For instance, one business might be playing second fiddle but offering strong competition to the dominant force in the market, whereas another might find themselves within a niche that

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Fixing Cars: Business Lessons A Blue Collar Job Can Teach You

You know how the phrase goes that “anyone can buy a new car but real men can keep old one’s running.” Well, whoever said it had one thing right, which is that keeping an old car running takes a great deal of effort.What may seem menial to the world can help you discover some life-changing

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4 Tips to Help Your Business Stand Out from Competition

When you are running a business, you will find that there are already a lot of businesses out there doing the same things. This can make it hard for you to make your business stand out and bring in clients but it is not impossible. In this article, we thought we would discuss some top

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How to Promote Your Brand

In business, brand is everything. This is the public face of your company: the logo, name, slogan, and personality that will attract people towards you and your products. However, even if you have the world’s most enticing brand set up, it’s not worth very much if no one ever hears about it. Getting your brand

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Useful Tips For Hosting A Great Corporate Event

There’s a lot of advantages to hosting a corporate event. It gives you a chance to show off your company, make connections, and all-around promote your brand. However, while an event has the capacity to be a force of good for your business, it’s not guaranteed. These things can quickly go askew, unless you’re taking

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How To Protect Your Business From Crime

You’ve worked hard for your business. You will no doubt have invested hard work and a lot of time and money into getting your company off the ground. The last thing that you would want would to become a victim of crime. Sadly though, there are people out there that would happily take this from

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Building A Successful Business After Lockdown

In a Post-Pandemic world, the landscape of business will look entirely different to what it did a year ago. 2020 has made a huge impact on the business world, and many smaller businesses have fallen by the wayside after lack of funds and ability to create their products.  Today we are taking a look at

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School Is In Session For Small Business Comeback Strategies

We all know the horrible year we’ve been put through. It’s not over yet, there’s still quite a fair bit of time to go before the new challenge begins in January. So since we have time, let’s not give up and try to manage our expectations, in accordance with our strategies. Small businesses especially, have

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How To Reward Your Staff In Uncertain Times

If your staff don’t feel rewarded, they are much less likely to stick around for a long time and perform to their full potential. They need to feel appreciated for the role that they have to play in the business and it is your job as the business owner to ensure this. Over the past

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