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Managing Your Money More Effectively

Sometimes, managing your money more effectively is simply a matter of changing certain habits. Let’s take a look at some of the most common things people do to keep their finances in order.Maintain an Awareness of Your FinancesYou have to know where you are to get to where you want to go — otherwise you […]

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Car Accident Claims- When You May Be Liable For Someone Else’s Negligence

When it comes to car accident claims, negligence is the single most important factor that implicates a driver. If the person behind the wheel is negligent and does not use a reasonable amount of caution while driving the vehicle, he or she will be liable. The victim can sue them for compensation and claim damages

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Making Sure Your Business is Always Prepared for the Worst

2020 has been an extremely difficult year for many businesses. Back in January, everything was running as usual. We were making plans for the year ahead. We were implementing changes that could see our businesses make more profits. We were making sales and many of us were keeping afloat or thriving. But the coronavirus and

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How Does B2B Content Marketing Affect Business Growth?

B2B content marketing is a strategic approach for creating and developing valuable content. It focuses on delivering relevant and consistent content that attracts and retains a definite audience. Ultimately, the strategy strives to drive profitable customer action.  The need for high-quality insights in developing and marketing thought leadership is constant for B2B firms. Although this

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The Case for Podcasting: A New Internal Communication Vehicle?

It was not that the idea was ever dead, but in the early 1980s, there was something of a resurgence of recognizing that an organization’s greatest asset is its people. All it takes is a look at popular books of the era—In Search of Excellence: Lessons From America’s Best Run Companies, Corporate Cultures: The Rises

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Helpful Tips To Work Effectively At Home

When working from home, you can be productive. You might find yourself more productive than ever before without the distractions of office talk, group lunches, long meetings and other routine office activities. However, working from home is challenging in its own way. There are household duties, caring for your kids and other issues that you

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Facebook Advice That Every Professional Needs

Professionals can use Facebook in a number of ways. Some use it to network with others in their industry, although many people prefer to use LinkedIn or other professional networks. Facebook is also an excellent tool for marketing and communicating with customers. If you’re a professional person who wants to be able to use Facebook

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Are You Running A Business That Isn’t Profiting?

It’s likely that your business won’t profit for a long while. For your business to be profitable you need to think about the money you’re investing into your business, the money you’re having to spend back out, and the potential for your business to sell the products or services that it is. For the first

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4 Smart Ways To Expand Your Business

Did you know that nearly 96% of all businesses in Australia are small businesses? According to statistics from the Australian Taxation Office, small businesses are, therefore, the backbone of the country’s economy. Entrepreneurs always wish to establish a business and eventually see it blossom. This dream proves very tricky for many, as a reported 60%

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Seven Steps To Recovery After A Business Failure

Not everything in business can go exactly as you planned. There are always outside forces at work, creating situations that can put roadblocks in your way. It’s a shock when a business fails, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. Debts can soon sink a start-up business, as can a change in

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Is It Time To Get An Office?

Years ago, it wasn’t even a question for businesses. If you launched a startup and expected to be successful, you rented or invested in a place of work. Today, tech has advanced to the point where a large percentage of millennial bosses and leaders put off making the decision. After all, it’s not as if

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Off the Premises: Is The Conventional Workplace Dying?

In order to succeed in business, you need to have an infrastructure that drives profits while also identifying and eliminating wasteful expenditure. Of course, that doesn’t mean not spending money. Capital investment is one of the most common ways in which you can gain a leading edge over your competitors. But every expenditure needs to

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Moving To A Bigger Office – Where Do You Start?

Moving your business to a new office can be exciting, though most companies will struggle as they go through this process. It isn’t as simple as giving your employees a new address, and you need to work extremely hard to make sure that you’re handling the move effectively to make use of your new space. To

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4 Things to Consider When Choosing an Employer of Record

Many SMEs are choosing to utilize employers of record to handle their human resources functions. Their services are also essential for smaller businesses looking to expand into new markets without the financial or administrative burdens of founding a new legal entity. Here are four things to consider when choosing an employer of record. Their Reputation

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Choosing The Right Keywords

The importance of marketing your business effectively cannot be ignored, especially in the current day and age. Competition is fierce, and times are difficult at the moment, which is why you need to put an expert digital marketing campaign together. An important part of this choosing your keywords. In this blog post, we are going

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The Importance Of Workplace Diversity

Diversity in the work environment is vital for a flourishing business, as it empowers inventiveness and advancement. This is because every colleague and representative – from administration to frontline – bring their unique experiences and views to the table. This has given rise to several platforms like Ezra Coaching, which provides leadership initiatives into the

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Five Tips For Working From Home To Keep You Motivated

This year has seen more people than ever working from home. At first, the thought of it sounds great – you get the freedom to wear whatever you like, you don’t need to pack yourself onto a busy train or bus, and you get a better work-life balance. Yet this isn’t necessarily true. While these

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5 Best Small Business Ideas That You Can Start During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has hit us hard. People are losing jobs and struggling all over the world. However, you can also see this as an opportunity to start doing what you’ve always dreamt of. Be your own boss. Start a small business from your home. While on one hand, traditional in-person stores are closing, but

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How to Build a Career in the Beauty Industry

In the past, working in the beauty industry was viewed as a role just for housewives who were incapable of doing anything else. Today, however, this opinion has changed. The role of a beautician now commands a lot more respect than it once did. You only have to watch a Bollywood movie, flip through the pages

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Get Ready To Brand Your Business, You Won’t Look Back!

The distinctive title of a business is more than just words: It is the representation of your company and brand. The process of choosing a name for your business may seem simple, but there are many factors that contribute to creating a successful brand. A good distinctive title has the power to engrave your business

Get Ready To Brand Your Business, You Won’t Look Back! Read More »

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