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How Freelancers Can Prevent Work Disaster

You’ve been working on a project all morningwhen, all of a sudden, your tech breaks down. Your progress is ruined, and now you have to scramble to get new equipment so that you can get back to work. How can you deal with this disaster? Dealing with Tech Disasters at Home One of the biggest challenges […]

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Launching An Eco-Friendly Business: What Do You Need To Consider?

The sector that you are in is irrelevant here, instead the focus is about how you can ensure that your eco-friendly business – whatever the industry – is actually as eco-friendly as it could be. If you’re going to advertise your business as being eco-friendly, then you need to ensure that you are able to

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Reasons Your Business Processes Are Failing

With the best of intentions, not every business process can improve. Whether it’s in terms of technicalities, technological issues, or planning, there are many reasons business processes can fail. Let’s highlight the key areas where your business processes might be letting your business down.A Poor Organisational CultureThe culture can be the overriding reason why processes

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eCommerce: Four Ways To Stop Customers Abandoning Baskets

Opening an eCommerce shop on your website is an incredibly powerful way to ensure your sales stay constant. Without the need to head to the high street, people will happily pay for a delivery fee, as long as the product or service warrants the purchase. However, it isn’t a low-standard of items that prevent digital

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Miracle Employee Engagement Strategies You Can Implement Today

Ensuring that employees remain engaged is a massive priority for businesses. Something like 50 percent of the workforce doesn’t feel actively engaged in what they’re doing, representing an enormous cost to individual companies and the economy as a whole. The task, therefore, is to find ways to improve engagement and get employees pumped about what they’re

Miracle Employee Engagement Strategies You Can Implement Today Read More »

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These Tips will Help you to Make Better Marketing Videos

In recent years, it would appear that video has emerged as being a powerful and promotional tool so that businesses can easily promote their wars in an engaging and exciting way. That being said, there are some rules that you need to follow if you want to get your videos right. If you want to

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Why Isn’t Your Business Seeing New Customers?

Have you been wondering why your business isn’t seeing new customers lately? There are probably a couple of reasons that this is the case, or it could just be one big one. It depends on what the problem is as to how easy it is going to be to fix, but it’s important that you

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7 Things First Time Business Owners Often Don’t Consider

There are numerous resources and lots of free information out there right now, and many people are utilizing this in order to start up their very own small business. It’s almost too easy to start your own business – which is why many first time business owners don’t consider absolutely everything there is to consider

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5 Reasons Why You Should Consult A Lawyer When You Get Serious Injuries

If you’ve been injured in an accident and are unable to work and pay your bills, there are some things you need to know about the process of filing an injury claim. First, you should contact a lawyer who can advise you on the legal process involved in making claims. Second, you need to ask

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Reducing Fleet Costs: It’s Way Easier Than You Think

Running a fleet costs your organization a significant sum of money. You may think that this is part and parcel of operating a business, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, there are multiple methods you can use to get vehicle expenses down and help move your finances into the black.  Here’s what to

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Fire Hazards To Watch Out For In Your Office

Office fires are surprisingly common. These disasters can lead to costly damage and may even cause physical harm to you and your employees. While it’s important to take measures such as installing fire alarms and fire exits, the best preventative measure is to eliminate the causes. Below are just some of the most common causes

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How Can Companies Be Sure Who Their Customers Are?

When offering services through a web app or a mobile app, it’s difficult to know who you’re dealing with on the other end. Companies understand that people are reluctant to give out much information about themselves, especially if they’re new to the brand and haven’t formed much trust in it yet. Therefore, while companies would

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What Makes A Good Office Location?

Your business’ office could be considered the main hub of your company. Sure, you’ve got a storefront or a warehouse or simply an online portal to sell through, but the office is where the deals are made and the customer service is administered. And due to this crucial fact, the location of your office needs

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How Wearing The Right Uniform Can Help In Your Career

The uniform you wear for a job can have more of an impact than you think it does. Depending on your workplace, you might need to wear branded uniforms or stick to a certain style or theme when it comes to colors and patterns. With that being said, here’s how wearing the right uniform can

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Why It Might Be Time to Upgrade Your Accounting Software

Accounting has undergone a seismic shift in recent years. Before the advent of online cloud-based accounting software solutions, small and medium-sized businesses typically employed a bookkeeper to maintain the accounts and handed off the end-of-year stuff to an accountant. Not many business owners had the skill required to create a double-entry bookkeeping ledger, and although

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What You Can Do Improve Your Business’s Reputation Online

There are lots of things you can do to ensure your business maintains a positive online reputation. If you’re struggled to get this right in the past, you’re not alone. Things are changing and businesses have to adapt. These days, people make purchasing decisions based on what they see and read online, and the snap

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On the Path to Success: 7 Ways to Stay on Track as an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs face an array of challenges each day. When trying to remain on track, having a plan is essential. While everyone is different, there are a few tips that any entrepreneur can use to help ensure their ongoing success in the business world.1. Create a Written PlanIf an entrepreneur does not have a plan, such

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Are You A New Member Of The Coronavirus Career Switcher Gang?

The global pandemic of 2020 has made many people take a step back and reflect on their priorities in life. Many people have seen this pivotal moment in the world’s history as a moment to make a change in their professional life. Rather than slogging away for the next twenty years in a job that

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The Benefits of a Warehouse Management System

Most businesses use some form of warehouse. Today, even small companies hire warehouse space to help them to keep things organised and safe. Even if you work from home, you might use a warehouse to stop your business taking over your home life. But, few of us put much time into sorting our warehouses. We

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The Marketing Experts Inherent To Growth

What creates growth in business?It’s the kind of question that can take a long time to address. Growth is a multi-faceted element that is not the result of one process only. Growth comes from a balanced strategy that combines investment, marketing, resources, and an innovative mindset. As a business owner, you can’t make it happen

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5 Things That Every Great Teacher Needs

There is a big difference between a good teacher and a great teacher, and it is the great teachers that are the ones that stay in the mind of the pupil for life and have an impact far further reaching than the classroom. A great teacher is one that sets the pupil on the path

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