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Bringing Your Team Together: How To Champion Collaboration During Lockdown

Millions of people are currently working from home. For many business owners and employees, collaboration is key to success, but how do you bring people together when they’re physically apart? Although the lockdown has posed a unique challenge to companies across the world, there are silver linings, one of which is the ability to use

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Qualifications vs Experience: Which Is More Valuable?

Should you focus on gaining qualifications or experience to obtain your dream job? This post discusses the benefits and drawbacks of both to determine which one is really more valuable

Qualifications vs Experience: Which Is More Valuable? Read More »

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4 Fleet Management Tips Every Small Business Needs to Know

There are a million and one reasons why a business might want to invest in a fleet of vehicles. And make no mistake, a fleet of vehicles definitely is an investment. The key to keeping your costs as low as possible and maximising your returns is to manage your fleet efficiently. Here’s what you need

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Flipping Businesses Like Houses; Is It a Viable Income Strategy?

The concept of buying something, fixing it up and selling it is nothing new. People do it with refurbished electronics, they do it with cars, houses and virtually anything you can think of. However, most people associate flipping with physical objects, so can it be done with a business too?In short; yes. Even though a

Flipping Businesses Like Houses; Is It a Viable Income Strategy? Read More »

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Tips and Tricks for Traveling on a Budget

The anticipation of venturing out onto the open road for your next big vacation is one great reason to leap out of bed in the morning. We would all love to vacation in a luxury two bedroom penthouse, right? (Soaking up the sun in a roof garden, cocktail in hand.) How do you make your

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4 Tips for Becoming More Effective in Your Professional Life As Time Goes on

Whether you are an entrepreneur running your own small business, or whether you are working as an employee in a conventional job role, no one likes to imagine that they will stagnate in their professional life and be in more or less the same place they are now, five years down the line.Instead, the ideal

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Could You Make Money Developing The Next Big Health Supplement?

Whoever thought of the idea of creating protein powder is probably worth a lot of money right now. The world of health supplements is bigger than it’s ever been, with so many different supplements available for the public to buy. It’s a massive industry, but could you come up with the next big health supplement?

Could You Make Money Developing The Next Big Health Supplement? Read More »

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5 Things Employees Get Wrong About ‘Wrongful Termination’

If you arrive to work on time, do your job well and you do not take an excessive amount of time off you can expect to keep your job, right? Not necessarily. California, like every other state, has an at-will rule when it comes to employment. This means that an employer can fire you without

5 Things Employees Get Wrong About ‘Wrongful Termination’ Read More »

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The Two Most Used Inventory Tracking Systems Fit for Every Business

As a business grows and goes global, its inventories get bigger and more complicated due to which the traditional inventory management and tracking practices no longer play well with their existing processes. When a business expands its territory as well as its portfolio, the number of products, product varieties, warehouses, and supply chain becomes extensive

The Two Most Used Inventory Tracking Systems Fit for Every Business Read More »

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4 Ways To Improve Your Global Entity Management Practices

When a company operates on a global scale and enjoys bigger profits, it also increases its risk. This risk comes from its compliance and governance practices that need to be fulfilled.They fulfill this by hiring additional lawyers, risk managers, and compliance officers. Apart from that, global entity management can also be outsourced to a professional

4 Ways To Improve Your Global Entity Management Practices Read More »

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Cost-Effective Ways to Optimise Your Company’s Workflow

Your business’s productivity is heavily reliant on your team’s ability to coordinate and get work done. However, there are often a couple of invisible bottlenecks that can drastically reduce their efficiency. In many cases, the design of your office could be the factor that is limiting how effective your team can be. At other times,

Cost-Effective Ways to Optimise Your Company’s Workflow Read More »

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Stuck in a rut? Why you should try Motivational Interviewing with a counsellor

If you’re like me, you will have at some point in your life felt a debilitating blocker to achieving something that was entirely in your head. When I have experienced this, there was nothing stopping me progressing towards my goals other than my own feelings about it. I called it a mental block. But I realise

Stuck in a rut? Why you should try Motivational Interviewing with a counsellor Read More »

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When to choose a Counsellor, and when to choose a Coach

At some point, we all need help to make personal changes in our life to improve it. I can’t think of anybody I know of which that statement doesn’t apply to. Not everybody turns to professional help in all case, yet what we do to help us make those changes should be dependent on the

When to choose a Counsellor, and when to choose a Coach Read More »

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How does online counselling work?

COVID-19 has changed human interaction, possibly forever. Many aspects of our daily lives and how we engage with other people has shifted to online communication tools over the internet. Zoom, Teams, WebEx are just a few examples of the new tools we now use (alongside the familiar email, instant messaging/chat and Skype-calling), quite possibly for

How does online counselling work? Read More »

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How Easy Really Is It To Start An Online Business?

Although it may seem like strange times in the wider world, there’s actually never been a better time to set up an online business. Working in this way is the dream for many of us – being able to work from any location, and at times that support our other responsibilities and goals in life.

How Easy Really Is It To Start An Online Business? Read More »


Increasing Your Disposable Income And The Best Options To Explore

Let’s face it, many of us have been through lockdown recently and found that they have needed to stay at home. Perhaps your pay has been reduced or you have worked less hours because of demand in your job role and for many of you that will have meant a reduced income. But you might

Increasing Your Disposable Income And The Best Options To Explore Read More »

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How to deal with Rescue Dog Bite or Attack!

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), nearly 3.3 million dogs are transported to shelters every year. Nearly one-third are rescue dogs. Like many people, you may view adopting a neglected dog as an act of service to the dog and the shelters that care for these dogs as

How to deal with Rescue Dog Bite or Attack! Read More »

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A Short Guide on Starting a Moving Company in the United States

Starting a new company in this economy can be very terrifying. Many things go into starting a business, but the central aspect you must focus on is providing the right service.If you provide what your customers need, market your company using digital methods, and get the right help, such as moving tariff, then you can

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Home Ergonomics – How to save your posture in the work from home era

It’s safe to say that the recent conditions across the globe have changed the way businesses and individuals operate on a day-to-day basis. People have left office luxuries like tablet holders and standing desks behind for the safety of their home offices – some of which, sadly, simply aren’t upto the task of supporting their body

Home Ergonomics – How to save your posture in the work from home era Read More »

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What Happens If A Medical Professional Makes A Mistake?

When anyone goes to a medical practice or into surgery at a hospital, they need to put their full trust in the professional who is treating them. Of course, doctors and surgeons can make mistakes and there are many people around the world who have been a victim of this kind of issue.So, what happens

What Happens If A Medical Professional Makes A Mistake? Read More »

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