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Identifying Your Personal Opportunities

You are sitting on your workstation, wondering if your skills are getting dated. You try to update your resume and are hit by the hard truth: “You haven’t learnt anything new in a long while and neither have you challenged yourself enough to be mentioned in the resume.” If that is the case, then you […]

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Escaping The Pitfalls Of Entrepreneurship

Going it alone professionally is one of the most terrifying decisions you will ever make, but it can also be one of the most life-affirming. Taking that atom of an idea and turning it into money-making reality takes courage. You will wave goodbye to your office colleagues, your promotion prospects, and your regular wage in

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5 Disasters Your Businesses Needs To Prepare For

As covid-19 has shown recently, disasters do happen – and they can have a devastating impact for businesses that aren’t prepared. Below are some of the most serious disasters that businesses can fall victim to and how you can protect your business.FireA fire could destroy your businesses premises and resources – and worse could harm

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Five Mistakes Business Owners Make In Their First Year

When it comes to running a business there are many people who think they are more than capable of starting a business and becoming a success overnight. And this confidence is admirable, but there are going to be plenty of hiccups along the way. If the original plans aren’t laid down effectively, and the foundations

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Businesses Are Fighting Back Against COVID-19: Here’s How Yours Can Too

There’s no doubt that it’s business owners who have been some of the worse hit by the impact of COVID-19. While many within the business industry have struggled as a result of this new virus that’s swept across the globe and sparked a worldwide pandemic, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t routes that business can

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Technology and Trade Shows: 3 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Booth

Did you realize that trade shows are the second-largest source of business to business revenue in the United States? When done correctly, a trade show booth can help your business garner great leads.  While a great trade show booth design is essential, you will need more than great graphics to land more customers. In most

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At Your Own Pace: 8 Advantages to Preparing for Your CPA Exam Online

Passing the CPA exam is a challenging process that takes at least 18 months to complete. Preparing for this exam is essential to ensure every hour of instruction is understood correctly to get the right answers. Discover the eight advantages of preparing for your CPA exam online before sitting for the big test.Work at Your

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Identifying Your Personal Weaknesses

We have already discussed how you can identify your personal strengths in this other blog (link to Identifying Your Personal Strengths blog post). However, it is equally important to be able to identify your weaknesses and find ways to counter them. A lot of us find it difficult to admit our weaknesses because it is

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5 Natural Mood Boosters to Help You Out of a Funk

We’ve all been there; those times where you’re just not feeling like your best, shiniest self. Whether it was a breakup that was the onset, the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic, or a battle with self-identity, it’s completely normal to go through a funk phase every now and then. The key to making it through

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How To Improve Your Relationship With Money

We all have some sort of a relationship with money. It’s just that, like with anything else, these are often complex at the best of times and some of us have better financial relationships than others. Often a taboo subject to talk about, money can be a source of stress, fear, and even damaging to some.

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Is Health Administration the Right Career Path for You?

Are you weighing up the various options available to you in terms of your future career path? If so, you might be looking at a potential career in the healthcare industry. If working as a doctor or a nurse isn’t a path you are interested in, an alternative to consider is that of health administration.

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A Quick Guide to Promoting the Wellbeing of Your Employees

Most workers spend 30-40 hours a week in the office. This constitutes a third of their time, leaving another third for sleeping and only the last third for leisure. With so much time spent in one place, there’s no reason why employees should have to suffer an unhealthy work environment. Although they should be working

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Digital Advertising

Upgrade Your Digital Marketing If You Want To Expand

Digital marketing has taken off in recent years thanks to the popularity of the internet. We are in the generation of computers and tech, so as a business, it’s important to take advantage of this. You need to be able to use digital marketing to your advantage rather than it being something you shy away

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4 Biggest Threats to Your Productivity and How to Avoid Them

In the constant bid to become more productive, we often end up achieving exactly the opposite. Whether it’s steaming ahead without remembering to take a break, multitasking to try and get more done, or focusing too heavily on the smaller tasks, there are many things that we do in our day-to-day lives, both personally and

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Tips To Keep Your Staff Happy For Longer

Staff happiness is one of the most important elements when it comes to running a business, and the more you pay attention to your staff, the better. You don’t want to waste all of your time having to recruit those roles over and over again, so here are some tips to keep your staff happy

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Starting a Self-Storage Company: Here’s What You Need to Know

If you are considering starting a business, you might be drawn to the self-storage industry. Residential and commercial storage solutions are increasingly popular and continue to be in demand. Before you make any decisions that you might later think could have been done differently, here are the basics for starting this type of business on

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7 Seconds To Success: Ensuring Your Business Creates The Right First Impression

Did you know that the average human being forms a first impression in just 7 seconds? As a business owner, there is no time to waste. If you fail to impress, there’s no guarantee of a second chance. Here are some tips to ensure you create the right impression every time.  Your business premises Whether

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Beat The Curve: Keeping Ahead Of Trends In A Busy Business

Learning to run any business is a trial all in itself. But running an innovative business will consume your entire life. Making sure that you are on top of everything in terms of your practices, as well as making sure that your company is retaining a sense of innovation, is all about keeping ahead of

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