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7 Ways Data Analytics Can Increase Your Business Growth

Many people are learning about the benefits of data analytics and big data. One of the main benefits being that you can use the data collected to drive operational performance in your company. Edward Demming used the quote:“In God we trust, everyone else brings data”This is quite fitting really. The challenge with data analytics is […]

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How to Boost Employee Productivity in Your Construction Company

Running a construction company can reap significant benefits and provide lucrative rewards. However, running a construction business varies significantly from being in charge of a company in other industries. When working on building projects, the stakes are usually high, with considerable amounts of money tied up in each project. The ability to manage a project

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Best Ways For Businesses to Remit Money Abroad

Many small and large businesses carry out international transactions and transfers daily. The ease with which one can remit money abroad is one of the major reasons why digital infrastructure has grown in recent years.Suppose you have an online business and regularly send money to Kenya to import certain goods. With the vast majority of

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Connecting With The Right Customers: Tips For A Targeted Marketing Strategy

Marketing can make all the difference to companies looking to increase sales and attract new customers. The difficulty lies in getting marketing campaigns right. To succeed, you have to be able to connect with clients who have a genuine interest in your products and services and to encourage them to take the next step. If

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Tips Worth Considering When You’re Self-Employed

When you’re self-employed, there’s a lot of challenges that come with taking that career choice. However, having a career that can work around you can certainly be something that provides you with a better balance of work and life. Unless that is, you’re someone who loves to work! Here are some tips worth considering when

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Tips To Help Start A Business

Starting a business isn’t for everyone because even though the internet is a big help, the challenge of making it successful is still difficult. So here are some helpful tips to starting a business and hopefully getting it off the ground. Consider Your Talents When it comes to picking a business type, it’s worth considering

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Adjusting to Running Your Business from Home

Coronavirus has had a huge impact on the whole world that none of us could have anticipated just a few months ago. We’ve had to self isolate and socially distance in order to slow the spread of the virus and protect ourselves, others and key workers. Of course, this has had a profound effect on

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Effectively Setting The Direction For Your Team

There’s a difference between a business owner and a leader. A business owner manages a business and the team within it, but a leader must be able to set the course for that team, to set a direction that everyone else is able to follow. However, a lot of business owners have trouble really getting

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Creating A Positive Working Atmosphere In The Office

Some business owners think that keeping the team under pressure and on edge will result in the highest levels of productivity, but there has been plenty of research to show that positive influences on their motivation and productivity tend to work much better. One of those you might want to use is creating a workplace

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The Changing Face Of Property Management Through A Pandemic

The landlord’s job has always been pretty intensive. After all, the moment tenants occupy a property under your name; you become responsible for their safety. Certainly, things like property checks and speedy repairs have always been part and parcel of the job. Sadly, as with everything else right now, your ability to function is likely

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5 Tips On How To Determine The Best College Programs For Yourself

With the rise of flexible, almost-DIY college programs, it is even harder for students to determine the right program – it’s a needle in a haystack! And despite the popularity of unconventional paths to success, we are still seeing a good number of people pursuing university degrees – over 40% in OECD countries. In Australia,

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Help! The One Word That Will Grow Your Business

As a business owner, you obviously want to reach new heights of success with your business. When you experience growth, you will have more money to spend on the needs of your business, more credibility because of the efforts you will have put in to secure growth, and a greater foothold in the market to help

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personal injury lawyer

The Main Types of Personal Injury Cases Explained: A Useful Guide

Have you recently sustained an injury in an accident? Are you seeking compensation for your personal injuries from an at-fault individual or organization?Only about 4-5 percent of cases does a personal injury lawsuit go to trial. The majority of the time, the suit gets settled out of court with the help of a lawyer or mediator. If you’ve

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Why Do People Become Nurses? 4 Awesome Reasons

There over 2.8 million registered nurses in the United States. This makes nursing one of the most populated professions in the country.Yet, nurses don’t have it all rosy. From working long hours to facing workplace violence, dealing with occupational hazards, and putting up with inadequate compensation, nurses face several challenges at work. It’s no wonder a recent

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5 ideas for saving money during the coronavirus pandemic

With the COVID-19 outbreak very much becoming the global focus, there is a natural concentration on what comes next. Many of us, though, are finding that among the hardest consequences of what has been going on here is the lack of financial security. Your money savings could be dwindling, and it could be making it

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How to earn an extra income whilst stuck at home

For anyone stuck at home during the COVID-19 outbreak (more or less all of us), are you bored yet?One main reason why you might feel a sense of boredom, though, is a lack of purpose. While most of us enjoy a bit of downtime, having nothing to do day-in, day-out can lead to us becoming

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5 Crucial Steps You Need to Take for Your Startup

Starting a business can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience, no matter how confidently you may be diving into the startup world. With so much constantly on your plate, it’s only natural to feel a bit overwhelmed. You want to make sure you’re doing everything in your power to turn your idea into a lucrative

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How Can Your Business Adapt To The Coronavirus Lockdown?

Businesses across the world are feeling the pressure of the coronavirus lockdown. None of us were prepared for these times, and we are now striving to turn these challenges into opportunities. We have had to learn new methods and new skills, and use new tools to keep our businesses going. Who would have thought that

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Where Should New Businesses Spend Their Marketing Budget In 2020

When you are trying to get a new business off the ground, it’s important that you invest in marketing. However, you only have a limited amount of startup money, so you need to spend it where it counts. A lot of new businesses run into trouble because they pour money into marketing strategies that are

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4 key characteristics that make a good entrepreneur

To be a good entrepreneur, you need to be well versed in various aspects of business, particularly if you intend to run your own company. Anyone can run a business, but only some have an entrepreneurial flair.Whilst you don’t need to encompass all of these qualities, they could make a big difference to your success.

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