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Online Presence: Why A Website Is Not Enough

Every business needs a website. A website is essentially your online shopfront.However, a website alone is not enough for developing an online presence. If you want to stand out on the web, you need to use other online platforms and use other online strategies to maximise your company’s exposure. Here are just a few different […]

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Getting To Know Your Target Market

Very few companies appeal to everyone. Even those with a relatively wide audience focus on a significantly smaller target market. Everything that they do when it comes to marketing, product launches, branding, and products offered is with their target audience in mind. If you can give people what they want, you are substantially more likely

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4 Ways To Speed Up The Internet In Your Office

Almost all businesses rely on online technology of some kind these days. You have a website to run and email is an essential communication tool for any company. There are a lot of other great online tools that can improve communication as well, like live chat or voice over internet protocol systems. If you want

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Fun and Exciting Events to Look Forward to in the Summer/Fall

We’re all pretty much in the same boat these days: cooped up inside, wishing we had a way to get out into the world and take part in some much-needed socializing or retail therapy. Of course we aren’t all leaving our homes, because we’re doing the responsible thing and staying safe (and keeping others safe)!

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Affordable Ways to Keep Your Clients Coming Back as a Small Business

Running a small business can be challenging for a lot of reasons, but one of the first big hurdles to overcome is the ability to hold onto your clients in order to encourage repeat business. For most small businesses, holding on to customers tends to be one of the biggest priorities, but it’s also one

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Working from Home? Things to do to break the monotony

When you’re stuck in the same place, day in, day out, having ‘other things to do’ can certainly break the boredom. Here are some ideas for you.Transform your garden spacesThe seasons are changing so now is a perfect opportunity to sort out your garden and get it into shape. You should start by getting rid

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5 Business Processes to Audit and Improve

When it comes to improving profit margins, many businesses follow the same path of logic: cut expenses and increase revenue. However, they tend to overlook what has the potential to make the biggest impact: the processes. In fact, some businesses don’t have clearly defined processes put in place. The things you do each day to

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A Cohesive Unit: Why Collaboration and Teamwork is Important For Your Business

Running a small business can be one of the most challenging jobs on the planet. As a business owner, your main goal needs to be keeping your employees productive. Businesses in the United States lose over $570 billion each year due to low productivity. Finding and pinpointing productivity issues is essential when trying to keep

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What to Consider when Running an Imports and Exports Business

Running any business comes with its own set of rewards and its own set of challenges that you need to overcome. Some of these can be easy, and some of them can be quite difficult. However, when it comes to a business that imports and exports products globally, there can be a whole new set

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Planning A Business Event? You’ll Need These Tips

Planning a business event is a big deal. Whether you are planning one to ring in the summer once lockdown is over or you have a yearly event that your business hosts, you have some planning to do. Most business events take place in the summer months, and that’s largely down to the promise of

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Could It Be The Time To Launch A Creative Business?

We’re all going through a strange period right now, aren’t we? There’s a lot more time, but also a lot less. Because there’s something about having free time that makes it fly by. Or just generally being in a bit more of a panic that makes you feel less in the mood to get things

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Ways to Get the Best Out of Your Staff

Managers and business owners all around the world are constantly thinking up ways to motivate their staff in order to get the best out of them, boosting productivity. There is no one size fits all approach, unfortunately, and people respond to different stimuli. So you may have to create a multifaceted and nuanced program. However,

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Why You Should Set Up An eCommerce Business Right Now

Setting up an eCommerce business might seem so last decade. But even in the 2020s, there are still markets to be explored and profits to be made.  Do you dream of becoming your own boss? Here are some of the reasons you need to open a new store online right now.  eCommerce Shipments Are Expected

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How to Make a Career Change the Right Way: A Helpful Guide

Are you planning to make a career change? Do you have a lot of options in mind but do not know how to proceed?According to studies, Americans go through an average of 12 different jobs in their lifetime. A lot of these workers spend a maximum of five years per job.Though switching involves a lot of patience

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A Day in the Life: A Look Into the Role of a Respiratory Therapist

In the U.S., there are about 134,000 respiratory therapists who earn an average of around $60,000 per year. Are you thinking of becoming a respiratory therapist? You’re considering a great career!Are you wondering what the role of a respiratory therapist is? Keep reading for a look into the world of respiratory therapy.What Is Respiratory Therapy?Respiratory therapy

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Trusted and Respected: What are the 4 Most Important Management Attributes?

Turnover of employees at any level is expensive. Companies either maintain a human resources (HR) department or hire an outside recruitment firm to find job candidates. After the expenses of background checks and verification of credentials are considered, orientation and training add to the costs as well. Loosing an employee after all that expenditure, and

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Personal Development Benefits: How Your Business Can Gain from Embracing a Training Program for Employees

There are plenty of things you or your business can do to have happier and more knowledgeable employees, and personal development is just one way to accomplish this. Many companies have begun to invest in the futures of their employees. For instance, several large company’s offer job training for autistic adults. It is a fact

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How to create a Break Room that sets your Office apart

Most good employees do their best to meet their employers’ standards in the workplace. Many go out of their way to perform their best; working overtime, showing initiative, taking on extra projects, some of which are pro bono; which often translates to being stuck in a desk all day, with no chance to step away

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5 Super Cool Gadgets to Own in 2020

2019 had prepared many interesting innovations in the field of technology. Every year, we receive hundreds of improved versions of old devices along with innovative technologies that we can’t then live without. If you are in love with modern technology and do not see your life without the latest gadgets, this year promises to be

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