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Small Business Shipping Tips

Shipping and fulfilment can be one of the most expensive things that a business will do, and this goes double if it is poorly managed. Customers are now used to having some of their purchases delivered the same day, and in some areas (Amazon Prime Now) within two hours. So you better believe they don’t […]

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Trading Places: From The Bottom Of The Pile To The Top In Three Easy Steps

From the fast money-making seen on the Wolf of Wall Street right through to the exciting trade floor depicted on countless shows and films, the trading floor can sometimes seem like THE place to be for those of us looking in from the outside. But, as is the case within any industry, making your mark

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How Can Companies Evaluate Whether They Have An Effective Core Marketing Strategy?

Every company needs to have a core marketing strategy – that process that guides all of their marketing efforts and is the cornerstone of what they are doing to get new clients.  But having a core marketing strategy is one thing – knowing if it is effective is another. So, the question is how can

How Can Companies Evaluate Whether They Have An Effective Core Marketing Strategy? Read More »

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Keep In Touch! Improving Your Business Communication Comprehensively

Communication is crucial, not just because it nurtures better relationships but it gives us that opportunity to comprehensively connect with everybody. We are living in a moment where communication is more important than it’s ever been. But when you start to think about communication in terms of business it’s not just about a random email

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The Biggest Online Mistakes Your Business Can Make

When it comes to conducting business online, there are actually a lot of mistakes that your business can make. If you’re new to doing business online or you want to make sure you build a strong, positive presence for your business, then making sure you do it right is key. Below, we’ll take a look at

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Why Outsourcing IT Services Is A Wise Move For Startups

The startup journey is not the way it used to be a few years ago, specifically from the IT perspective. Information technology is no longer a rarity for new businesses; in fact, it is something that they consciously plan and strategize to have in place right from the start. However, the decision may get a

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Learn 5 Ways Your Business Can Save Money Using Tech

If you are currently in charge of running a business, then you probably do everything possible you know to save as much money as you can. This likely ranges from reusing any equipment you can to changing the light bulbs to longer-lasting and high-efficiency options, and yet, you might not think this is as much

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Is Your Business Going To See More Demand?

Lately, there has been a lot of doom and gloom in the media about businesses that will struggle to cope or indeed remain open in the wake of the coronavirus. Indeed, most recently, every pub and restaurant in England was ordered to close by the government for the foreseeable future. Governments are also putting together

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Simple Strategies That Will Increase Your Sales

Want more sales for your business? Well, they aren’t just going to flock to you. In fact, you will have to work hard for them. The good news, however, is that the strategies that will get you more sales are pretty simple to grasp. Just read on to find out what they are.  Make sure

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Ways to Make Your Business Eco-Friendly

Sustainability is an increasingly important factor for many businesses. As climate change continues to dominate the headlines, the pressure for firms to go eco-friendly is mounting. Thankfully, going eco-friendly is much easier than you may think. The last decade saw a considerable decrease in the average costs for eco-friendly installations. Making eco-friendly changes to your business

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Is Your Business Making the Most of Technology?

The digital age presents businesses with a wide range of opportunities. Business processes that would have taken weeks or months in the past can now be completed at the touch of a button. Thanks to technology, distance and time zones are no longer a barrier to business. With so many technological advancements available to companies,

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12 Business Ideas For Your Land

If you have land that is not yielding income, then you might want to do something about that. Whether you bought the land as an investment or inherited some landed properties, there is no reason to leave it just lying there doing nothing; you can start making money from your land temporarily even if you

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Tips on how to Find Business Leads in a Saturated Market

Whether you are alone sole trader, freelancer, small business start-up or a corporate giant. It can be tough to make it and find leads in a very saturated world. With more and more niches being filled every day, and more and more people joining the mix and making the market even more saturated. It can

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Clean Up The Town: Helpful Ideas To Make Your Town Greener

If you would like to work towards sustainability in your city, you may want to start by establishing sustainability circles – small groups of people who care or have unique expertise or resources about the matter at hand. Members of the ‘circle’ meet frequently at the home, community room or coffee shop of a participant

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Lost in space: starter tips for making the most of space in your new office

Relocating your business to a whole new office can feel very exciting, like you are embarking on a significant new chapter in your company’s journey. However, your heart could sink as it dawns on you that you miscalculated – or perhaps just failed to see – how much space your firm really needed. Fortunately, even

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Great Leaders Listen First, Then Speak

The writers of the thirty-year-old series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, knew the ingredients of great leadership instinctively. Throughout the series, captain of the Enterprise, Jean-Luc Picard, would host high-level meetings in the ship’s conference room. Everyone at the table had an opportunity to share their ideas. Picard would sit there, listening, taking everything in,

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How to Take the Stress Out of Business Travel

Traveling for work is a completely different experience from traveling for pleasure. Having a job that requires a lot of travel across the world can have a significant impact on life outside of work. Jet-setting careers may sound glamorous, but, too much business travel can take its toll. If you are a frequent flyer because your

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Could The Coronavirus Make Your Lifestyle Healthier?

The Coronavirus pandemic is bigger than anybody expected. Although the UK has quite a small number of cases, the rest of Europe is struggling to cope and shutting its borders as a result. This means more and more businesses and employees are having to work from home and avoid all non-essential contact with others. Through

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The Importance of Information Architecture in User Experience

Information architecture (IA) is the art of arranging the content of a website. Conveying information through a website is a very tedious task, and you need to make sure that you follow certain protocols to ensure findability and usability. Information architecture is a series of steps that lays out all the visual elements of a

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