PR and Marketing Tips for Electrical Engineers

While press releases still have their place, there are tons of more creative and effective ways to generate publicity. Press releases often get lost in the noise, and let’s not forget that press releases have to be press worthy first and foremost. If you want to use PR to gain more traction for your electrical engineering business, you’ll have to use your imagination and use other marketing techniques as well. Here are a few PR and marketing tips for electrical engineers.

Work on Positioning First

Positioning is not only essential for an electrical engineering company but for any business. You should first and foremost make sure that you know where you’ll be focusing most of your client acquisition efforts.

You should establish what main markets you’ll be targeting, your value proposition, and the specific set of expertise that can help your main market. At first, you should start small and only focus on a few markets and core services. Ideally, you shouldn’t focus on more than 3 of each. This will allow your efforts to be more focused.

Don’t Neglect Your Website

Your website may seem like a formality, but in the world of electrical engineering, it still plays a major role. Your website should be used to educate your audience and showcase your expertise and facilities.

While presenting all of this on a website is important, you should also make sure that your employees always have the right tools and equipment on hand, too. This in itself is great marketing, so you should also find ways to keep maintain your inventory and provide your team with all the equipment they need. You could use an electronic component part search engine to not only find any tools or parts that you need but save money as well. These search engines will allow you to search across thousands of manufacturers all in one place, making sure that your employees have everything they need and can show their savoir faire.

Let Your Engineers Show their Expertise

In addition to your facilities and equipment, one of the best ways to generate good publicity and improve your brand’s image is showcasing your staff’s expertise. Your company should be a staple at industry events and you should make sure that your top engineers speak at as many industry forums as they can. Technical article publishing is another great way to build authority and recognition.

A way you could encourage engineering team members to generate more content in the name of the company would be to set up a recognition and reward system. These are important auxiliary services, and your employees should be rewarded accordingly. After all, getting a paper published in an important trade publication could get you tons of visibility without having to pay thousands on a full-page ad. Not to mention that the kind of attention you’ll get will be more likely to generate leads.


Electrical engineering firms have everything to gain from using more PR as part of their marketing. However, they have to be ready to think outside the box and focus on providing value and building authority within their circle.

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