Search Results for: business

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10 Steps to Take When You’re Ready to Sell Your Business

At the end of many years of business operations, some owners may be ready for a change and want to either sell their business and start a new venture or get prepared to retire. For whatever reason, business owners can get the help they need from brokers who manage commercial sales and understand the in’s […]

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More Space Needed? Here’s The Things To Think About When Expanding Your Business Premises

It is time for a change. Business is good, sales are up and the additional room is required.Perhaps you work from home, but working from the kitchen table is no longer an option. Or perhaps you need to expand in order to take your solid business to the next level.This could entail the development of

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Building Your Online Business And Store From Scratch

Forming a business is never easy. There are so many questions to consider.What sort of business should I create? What is an LLC? Do I need to establish myself as one? How do I report my taxes? How do I accept payments? Should I sell online?The list goes on, and on, and on!If you do

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Uncovering Hidden Potential That Can Help Your Business Grow

It should come as no surprise that it’s fairly common to reach a point in your business where you simply stagnate. Perhaps you’re no longer reaching your target audience or maybe your new customer acquisitions are slowing down drastically. Perhaps you’re even thinking of quitting because you’ve reached your previous goal and can’t see yourself

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Preparing Your Business For A Disaster-Level Event

A number of different disastrous events can strike your business during its lifetime, from extreme weather to criminal activity, but it’s vital that you can fight back against these risks and dangers to protect your business and its contents. Thankfully, learning how to prepare your business for a disaster-level event doesn’t have to be as

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Your Action Plan To Protect Your Freelance Business

The global pandemic has affected everyone in a lot of ways, especially when it comes to work. Some of the hardest hit have been freelancers, many of whom are only now beginning to recover.Research has shown that the pandemic has had a negative impact on 67% of freelancers, while 60% have experienced a decrease in

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4 Simple Cost Effective Ways to Improve Your Small Business Digital Marketing

The digital world is now a part of everyday life. Whether you are looking for information, want to buy something, or have some free time to kill, the internet has it all. And with that comes competition. So if your small business wants to stand out from the crowd and succeed in this highly competitive

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4 Essentials Tips For Business Owners

Relationships are key to success in business. If you don’t have a strong network of people who can help you grow your company, then it’s going to be difficult to make connections and build relationships with potential customers. In this blog post, we’ll discuss 4 essential tips that will help increase your chances of success

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How To Keep Your Business Afloat Financially

When you start your own business you want to do as much as possible to keep it going successfully. So you need to figure out the different aspects that will need to be covered in order for the business to truly be a success. Finances play a significant role in your business, so ensuring that

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