
Can I Sue for Emotional Distress After a Car Accident?

Step-by-Step Guide for Injury Claims When You Meet an Accident

Getting into an accident can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Besides dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath, there are also legal implications to consider. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, it’s essential to know the steps you should take to ensure a smooth injury claim process. In this post, we will provide […]

Step-by-Step Guide for Injury Claims When You Meet an Accident Read More »

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4 Basic Elements of Negligence in a Personal Injury Claim

You can claim personal injury damages if you’ve developed an illness or suffered an injury due to someone else’s fault. But before receiving any compensation, you must prove that the party at fault was negligent.Proving negligence in a personal injury claim can be very simple or complicated, depending on the facts of the case. You

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What To Do In The Event Of An Accident In A Company Car

As an employer, if you have a company fleet, chances are at some point you will be confronted with an accident with one or more of your drivers. Knowing how to handle this can help the situation be easier to manage. Having your employees clear on their responsibilities in the event of a road traffic

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Keeping Your Construction Employees Safe Is Priority One!

It should really come as no surprise that, among many other industries, construction is one that is considered to be pretty high risk. The chances of accident and injury on a construction site are far greater than they would be in an office of some sort. Of course, all employers have a responsibility to the

Keeping Your Construction Employees Safe Is Priority One! Read More »

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