
What Does it Really Take to Get Into the C-Suite

What Does it Really Take to Get Into the C-Suite?

So, what does it really take to get into the C-suite? It won’t always be pretty. Let’s dive into the good, the bad, and the unspoken truths.

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Are Well-Dressed People More Successful?

How do you create a great impression on prospective investors?

If you have a great business idea, you’ll need enough funding to make your dreams come true. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t have enough money to bootstrap their startup ventures, so giving a great pitch to prospective investors is the best way out. Statistics say that only 2 out of 5 startups show profits, whereas other startups

How do you create a great impression on prospective investors? Read More »

how to start an invention

How to Start an Invention: A 5 Step Guide

The journey of how to start an invention: transforming ideas into a tangible, innovative invention is paved with creativity, resilience, and potential.

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How to Distinguish Between Motivation and Satisfaction

Many people can’t distinguish between motivation and satisfaction. There is a difference between them, and this can have implications on our lives.

How to Distinguish Between Motivation and Satisfaction Read More »

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