
What Does it Really Take to Get Into the C-Suite

What Does it Really Take to Get Into the C-Suite?

So, what does it really take to get into the C-suite? It won’t always be pretty. Let’s dive into the good, the bad, and the unspoken truths.

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referent power

Referent Power: All You Need to Know (With Examples)

Referent power emerges from the respect, admiration, and loyalty that others have towards you, making it both powerful and challenging to cultivate.

Referent Power: All You Need to Know (With Examples) Read More »

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What is the Chain of Command, and Why is it Still Important Today?

Despite the evolving nature of workplaces and management styles, the chain of command remains a crucial element in the structure of modern organizations.

What is the Chain of Command, and Why is it Still Important Today? Read More »

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Great Leaders Listen First, Then Speak

The writers of the thirty-year-old series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, knew the ingredients of great leadership instinctively. Throughout the series, captain of the Enterprise, Jean-Luc Picard, would host high-level meetings in the ship’s conference room. Everyone at the table had an opportunity to share their ideas. Picard would sit there, listening, taking everything in,

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types of power

How to Use The Five Types of Power as a Leader

Where does a leader get power from? A leader can use 5 types of power: here’s advice on when these powers should be used, and perhaps when not

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