bad management

Lead Well and Prosper!

I’ve written before that if management was a true science, then there wouldn’t be so many books on the subject. Do a search on Amazon for management and you’ll see thousands of books on the subject. How do you pick books when there are so many to choose from?Hopefully, I’ll give you a start. I’ve

Lead Well and Prosper! Read More »

bad boss

Brilliant Basics: When Good People Become Bad Bosses

As soon as the word bad boss is mentioned most people start imagining pictures of a wicked person, a crook, a tyrant, a scheming backstabbing individual, a selfish ogre, etc. And typical textbook definitions of a bad boss is one who screams, threatens, intimidates, grabs credit, fires people, throttles people’s necks and so on. While

Brilliant Basics: When Good People Become Bad Bosses Read More »