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Can You Set Up Easy Side Businesses?

Everyone is always so focused on setting up a full-blown business, but what about all of you who already have that and are looking to take on something else? Once you get that hunger and fuel for money, the business you have might not sometimes be enough. There’s always money to be made with your […]

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Affordable Ways To Get Your Startup Off The Ground

Don’t let a low budget put you off setting up your own business. There are economical ways you can get on the market as long as you have the know-how. Here is some basic advice to help you get started. Define your productPay attention to detail when creating your brand. Decide on a clear representation of

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Finding A Niche To Launch Your Startup

  If you ask any new freelancer what industry they have chosen to specialize in, most will say blogging, marketing, accountancy or social media management. These fields are saturated with newbie entrepreneurs yearning to say goodbye to lining the pockets of fat cats, in an effort to go it alone and make a name for

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3 Hobbies You Can Transform Into Full-Time Careers

Is there anything better than actually enjoying your job? Some of you might not even be able to answer that as you’ve never known the feeling! Life is so much more enjoyable when you pursue a career that you love. Most people tend to settle for any job they can find, which often leads them

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