career trajectory


How to Answer ‘Should I Accept a Job Counter-Offer?’

One of the more complex scenarios unfolds when you’re poised to leave your current job and are suddenly presented with a counter-offer from your employer.

How to Answer ‘Should I Accept a Job Counter-Offer?’ Read More »

What are you looking for in your next job?

‘What Are You Looking for in Your Next Job?’ (With Examples)

Navigating a job interview can be a complex task, especially when faced with the pivotal question, “What are you looking for in your next job?”

‘What Are You Looking for in Your Next Job?’ (With Examples) Read More »

how to decline a job offer

How to Decline a Job Offer

Navigating through job offers is an integral part of any professional journey. In this post I shire how to decline a job offer professionally and courteously.

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woman lying on green grass while holding pencil 1458318

5 Tips On How To Determine The Best College Programs For Yourself

With the rise of flexible, almost-DIY college programs, it is even harder for students to determine the right program – it’s a needle in a haystack! And despite the popularity of unconventional paths to success, we are still seeing a good number of people pursuing university degrees – over 40% in OECD countries. In Australia,

5 Tips On How To Determine The Best College Programs For Yourself Read More »

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