cash flow


10 Credit Control Tips for Your Business

Credit control can be a very effective way of maintaining cash flow, but it does come with its own set of risks and pitfalls. To learn more about how your business can use credit control effectively, read on… If your business is looking to ensure that customers pay on time, then you may want to […]

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Off the Premises: Is The Conventional Workplace Dying?

In order to succeed in business, you need to have an infrastructure that drives profits while also identifying and eliminating wasteful expenditure. Of course, that doesn’t mean not spending money. Capital investment is one of the most common ways in which you can gain a leading edge over your competitors. But every expenditure needs to

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7 Things First Time Business Owners Often Don’t Consider

There are numerous resources and lots of free information out there right now, and many people are utilizing this in order to start up their very own small business. It’s almost too easy to start your own business – which is why many first time business owners don’t consider absolutely everything there is to consider

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6 Core Principles To Growing A Business

Certain attributes will always dictate how successful you are as an entrepreneur, such as how you think, analyse data, and make informed decisions. However, you must build processes around these essential characteristics if you’re going to grow your business and build the foundations of a global empire.Each principle should be relevant not only to the

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5 Business Processes to Audit and Improve

When it comes to improving profit margins, many businesses follow the same path of logic: cut expenses and increase revenue. However, they tend to overlook what has the potential to make the biggest impact: the processes. In fact, some businesses don’t have clearly defined processes put in place. The things you do each day to

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How to Prioritise Business Expenses for Your Business

Being an entrepreneur and nurturing a business is a full time job. It’s much like having kids. You need to ensure that the business thrives and you need to do whatever you can to help it, without bankrupting yourself. Businesses fail – that’s a harsh reality. In fact, Forbes posted an interesting article on why

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5 Ways You Could Be Putting Your Business Finances At Risk

Money: It’s great when you have it, and not so great when you don’t! This is especially true in business where a steady cash flow needs to be in place. For a business to succeed, profits need to be made. If there are too many losses on the other hand…well, as thousands of failed business

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How to Make Sure Business Debts Don’t Sink Your Startup

Starting your own business is the Dream Career for many of us. The idea of following our passions, setting our own schedule and making unlimited income – it’s an appealing way to make a living. And with the social and technological trends the world is currently experiencing, setting up in business is more accessible than ever

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Cash Flow Tips All Freelancers Need

Your finances can be one of the most difficult (but most important) elements of being a freelancer or running your own business. Not only are you in charge of getting paid and paying the bills, but you also have the joy of tax returns to consider as well. If you’re not on top of your

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6 Unique marketing strategies to grow a commodity company in the tape industry

Cash flow snags are responsible for the failure of at least 82% of all businesses. By implementing smart marketing strategies, it’s possible to accelerate your business growth and avoid potential pitfalls. If you’re in the tape industry, then you can source a wide variety of unique specialty tape products that will set your company apart.Here

6 Unique marketing strategies to grow a commodity company in the tape industry Read More »

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Financial Decisions For Your Business

When you start a business, you are starting a new financial journey. Depending on how you set up your business will depend on what will make an impact for you. The choices you make will make or break your bottom line. The quickest way for a company to go bust is misjudging how your cash

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How to Expertly Manage Your Money as a Freelancer

A freelance career can be unpredictable. After all, your income will depend on your clients’ needs and it might seem almost impossible to calculate your finances from month to month.However, there are actions you can perform to take a tighter grip of your finances, which can help you to enjoy a healthy bank balance and

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