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11 Project Management Tips for New Project Managers

A lot of people start out as project managers. However, in some cases, it takes more time to earn the responsibility and trust that comes with the position. This is especially true if you’re a beginner and you’re still trying to learn how to maximize the available resources and build the necessary skills to rock […]

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So You Want To Be A Radiologic Technologist? Here’s What You’ll Do Every Day

X-rays continue to fascinate you since childhood. Today, you reached a point where you are seriously considering a career in the field of radiologic technology.Interestingly, analysts predict that the radiologic technology industry will continue to grow over the next decade. A 9% growth rate fuels this projection. Despite this promising outlook, one doesn’t become a radiologic technologist

So You Want To Be A Radiologic Technologist? Here’s What You’ll Do Every Day Read More »

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How Important is PCI DSS Compliance?

Why is PCI DSS compliance so critical today? It’s because it helps build trust between businesses and their customers. Without trust, it’s extremely difficult to flourish as a business in the 21st century. People want to feel they’re handing over their payment data to a credible business that’ll always keep it protected. If you lose

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