

A Quick Guide to International Students

If you have ever attended a university or visited a friend who was attending a university, you probably met international students. They are a vital part of the academic and social environments of universities across the world. Their unique and diverse perspectives are irreplaceable contributions to the classroom and campus life. International students bring together […]

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Tips for Educators: How to Create the Ideal Higher Learning Environment

Education is an irreplaceable, invaluable experience that unlocks doors to many of life’s biggest opportunities, but as a committed educator, you likely already know this. Groundbreaking ideas can be cultivated in the realm of higher education, ideas that might one day change the world. In order for this to happen, however, the learning environment needs to support

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5 Things That Every Great Teacher Needs

There is a big difference between a good teacher and a great teacher, and it is the great teachers that are the ones that stay in the mind of the pupil for life and have an impact far further reaching than the classroom. A great teacher is one that sets the pupil on the path

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