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Ace Job Interviews with These 6 Essential Tips

You may have created a CV to attract several potential employers. However, you have waited a long period to receive calls from recruiters. Ultimately, your dream comes true. But you feel utmost fear and nervousness on the day of the interview. You start asking lots of questions- How will I encounter interviewers? Will I be […]

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Now May be the Perfect Time to Change Jobs

Finding a satisfying career can be a long and slow journey for anyone. Only a few people enter the workforce really knowing what they want to do. So, you should not be surprised if you get bored with your current job and decide to change your career. It is very easy to consider a career

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How to Read Body Language

Understanding body language can help give you an advantage in life, as it can provide a better understanding of what a person is thinking rather than just what they are revealing through their speech. Knowing the tics and the signs that convey confidence or insecurity can help, particularly in business settings during high-pressure negotiations. Physical communication can also help people of

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How Company Workwear Boosts Productivity

Uniforms and workwear are an easy way for your company to look good while being productive. No matter what your company or industry, uniforms for your business may not be such a bad idea. It is believed that workwear helps improve productivity. Wearing the right clothing for the job makes your employees look professional while

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Keeping Yourself Motivated as a Freelancer

Even the most diligent of us struggles with motivation at times. But for freelancers, a lapse in motivation could result in a loss of productivity, and thus a loss of income. Something that no freelancer can afford in these financially precarious times where many have lost clients and more have lost work, finding it hard

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4 Ways You Can Boost Your Charisma

Being able to speak well and articulate what you’re saying to others is a skill like pretty much every other. Sure, some people are born with strong vocal cords and can project themselves onto others very well. They’re born with a natural charm that can entice people into believing them – their magnetism is just

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Five Mistakes Business Owners Make In Their First Year

When it comes to running a business there are many people who think they are more than capable of starting a business and becoming a success overnight. And this confidence is admirable, but there are going to be plenty of hiccups along the way. If the original plans aren’t laid down effectively, and the foundations

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Identifying Your Personal Strengths

How to Start Identifying Your Personal Strengths

In this post, I will talk how to go about identifying your personal strengths – those that make you a valuable member of any workplace.

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Essential Safety Considerations For Managing Reopening After Lockdown

For many months, businesses across the world have either been closed or operating from employee homes rather than central bases. As several nations start to emerge on the other side, it is vital for business owners to be aware of the challenges and risks posed by the pandemic and to take steps to maximise safety

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The Basics of Job Hunting (Part Two)

This is the second blog on the basics of job-hunting. The first blog took you through how to look for a new job and possibly a career shift. All of that will help you get an invitation for interview, but there is a lot more that you will need to get the job. You will

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How To Boost The Chances Of Getting The Job You Want

Whenever you see a job that jumps out at you, your initial instinct is to apply for it immediately, of course. You probably also take into account the others that are applying for the role and how you’ll need to outdo them during all stages in order to get the position. Some of you will

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If You Want to Be Successful, You Need an Education: Here’s Why

Everyone looks at having a good education — or any education — as a good thing. Going to school is seen as the correct thing to do and one should work hard and go on to higher education if possible. Education is, in fact, the key to everything you do in the future, and even

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3 Practical Tips for Enhancing Your Confidence at Work

Confidence is something that matters a lot in life, as a whole, and that’s why people are so keen on seminars and books that give them effective insights into how to boost their own conference.When you are more confident, you are bound to be more outgoing both personally and professionally. You will be more resilient

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4 Unusual Tricks That Can Help You to Be More on Top of Your Game As an Entrepreneur

The Life of an entrepreneur is a cutthroat thing, with all sorts of challenges, and the constant need to remain innovative, and to find ways to stand apart from the competition.A lot of the things an entrepreneur can do in order to stay on top of their game and to be maximally efficient and productive,

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When Going For Your 1st Job After Graduation, How To Best Present Yourself

Having graduated college you will no doubt be looking to securing your first paid position. But now that this task is a reality it may seem very daunting. But don’t worry, being prepared and knowing how to sell yourself can make this a much easier task. Here we are going to look at a few

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Surviving Student Accommodation: How Getting On With Your Flatmates Can Help You To Secure That 1:1

Setting off for your chosen college or university is an all-around emotional, nerve-wracking and down right stressful experience. Not a very sugar-coated explanation of the day you fly the nest – but accurate. You’re saying goodbye to your parents and family home, and embarking on one of the most difficult yet rewarding three years (or

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What is the Best Way to Prepare for an Interview? (Part One)

Flunking an Interview is so disheartening. Not just because we fail to land the job we’ve banked on getting, but think about all the time and energy we’ve put into even getting in front of the interview panel, particularly if you’ve adopted guerrilla tactics and found a job that didn’t even exist before you created

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