
4 Steps To Becoming A Better Trader

You can make a career out of trading or engage in it as a hobby. In either case, you’re dealing with money and want to ensure that you can increase your earnings and reduce the chance of losing money.  Trading isn’t something that you can just decide to do one day and be successful. Instead, […]

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What is a Market Maker?

What is a Market Maker in Crypto and Why Are They So Important?

Whether the market is up or down, having plenty of liquidity ensures that trades flow seamlessly, making it a cornerstone for crypto exchanges. Market makers play a crucial role in shaping how the market works. Market makers are liquidity providers for cryptocurrency exchange.

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Detailed Guide to MT4

If you don’t know what mt4 is and how you can use it to gain fortune, you came to the right place. MetaTrader 4 is made for traders with and without experience and offers automation of the process. Before you decide whether you want it or not, you have to understand its specifics.About MT4MT4 or

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