
bank notes

Using Investments to Get out of Debt

The average Canadian was in about $20,000 of non-mortgage debt in 2021, according to Equifax Canada. This means that the everyday spending of many Canadians is outpacing their income by a significant amount. There are all kinds of strategies for tackling debt, including various ways you can budget your earnings and other approaches for paying down […]

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10 Key Benefits of Filing a Consumer Proposal To Take Control of Your Debt

Dealing with overwhelming debt can be incredibly stressful and challenging to manage, affecting every aspect of one’s life. It can squeeze the joy out of one’s life and replace it with worries. While no one wants to be in debt, poor money management is often deemed the key to getting into debt. However, there are viable

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The Link Between Credit Card Debt and Depression

The link between credit card debt and depression, and the implications for individuals who are struggling with either issue

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Why ‘Retail Therapy’ is a Bad Idea

Retail therapy is defined as the act of shopping with the intention of improving one’s mood. It has become a popular way to cope with stress, boredom, depression, and other negative emotions. However, it is important to be aware that retail therapy can have serious consequences when used in excess or without proper financial planning.

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Using credit cards should only be a last resort

As a responsible adult and father, I understand the importance of budgeting, saving and living within my means. But no matter how hard I try to be financially responsible, there are times when it’s impossible to stick to my plan. In these situations, I know that using a credit card should only be a last

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Choosing the Best Form of Credit Card Relief

For many folks in the US, credit cards are invaluable resources, especially during hard financial times. It’s estimated that approximately 70 percent of all Americans have a credit card, with 14 percent of them having more than 10 cards simultaneously. Credit cards provide a rainy-day fund for emergencies and can lay the foundation if you’re looking

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Managing Your Money More Effectively

Sometimes, managing your money more effectively is simply a matter of changing certain habits. Let’s take a look at some of the most common things people do to keep their finances in order.Maintain an Awareness of Your FinancesYou have to know where you are to get to where you want to go — otherwise you

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Use The Economic Recovery To Get Out Of Business Debt

Businesses have been hit particularly hard by the coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown. It’s pretty common to hear about companies choosing to lay their talented workers off just to survive during recessions. And that is exactly what we’re in, a recession. But that is going to cause a swing motion, whereby we go from not

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5 Ways You Could Be Putting Your Business Finances At Risk

Money: It’s great when you have it, and not so great when you don’t! This is especially true in business where a steady cash flow needs to be in place. For a business to succeed, profits need to be made. If there are too many losses on the other hand…well, as thousands of failed business

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How to Make Sure Business Debts Don’t Sink Your Startup

Starting your own business is the Dream Career for many of us. The idea of following our passions, setting our own schedule and making unlimited income – it’s an appealing way to make a living. And with the social and technological trends the world is currently experiencing, setting up in business is more accessible than ever

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