emergency fund

Buying your first home

First-Time Home Buyer’s Checklist: Financial Planning and Unexpected Costs

Buying your first home is an exciting milestone, but it also comes with a variety of financial commitments that first-time buyers may not fully anticipate. Beyond the sticker price, several hidden costs can sneak up and create unexpected strain if you’re not properly prepared. Whether you’re just starting your search or already saving for your […]

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Using Investments to Get out of Debt

The average Canadian was in about $20,000 of non-mortgage debt in 2021, according to Equifax Canada. This means that the everyday spending of many Canadians is outpacing their income by a significant amount. There are all kinds of strategies for tackling debt, including various ways you can budget your earnings and other approaches for paying down

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Using credit cards should only be a last resort

As a responsible adult and father, I understand the importance of budgeting, saving and living within my means. But no matter how hard I try to be financially responsible, there are times when it’s impossible to stick to my plan. In these situations, I know that using a credit card should only be a last

Using credit cards should only be a last resort Read More »

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Your Action Plan To Protect Your Freelance Business

The global pandemic has affected everyone in a lot of ways, especially when it comes to work. Some of the hardest hit have been freelancers, many of whom are only now beginning to recover.Research has shown that the pandemic has had a negative impact on 67% of freelancers, while 60% have experienced a decrease in

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Tips On Preparing Your Finances For A Fresh Start

Sometimes, a fresh start in life is needed. It might be your own decision, or it might simply be the hand that fate has dealt you. While many aspects of your life rest back to zero, your money situation mustn’t be one of them. Only a significant amount of preparation can help you here. This way,

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3 Ways Millennials Can Fight Back Against Financial Stigma

Millennials have received a bad rap over the years, dubbed by numerous media outlets as being ‘bad with money’. There is little truth to this stigma, and in fact, the consensus is broadly beginning to change. Millennials are becoming increasingly active in managing their money, and they are notably doing it well too. Still, stereotypes can

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Managing Your Money More Effectively

Sometimes, managing your money more effectively is simply a matter of changing certain habits. Let’s take a look at some of the most common things people do to keep their finances in order.Maintain an Awareness of Your FinancesYou have to know where you are to get to where you want to go — otherwise you

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How Freelancers Can Prevent Work Disaster

You’ve been working on a project all morningwhen, all of a sudden, your tech breaks down. Your progress is ruined, and now you have to scramble to get new equipment so that you can get back to work. How can you deal with this disaster? Dealing with Tech Disasters at Home One of the biggest challenges

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Quick Savings Guide for Making a Down Payment

Saving up for a down payment on a home is a seemingly monumental task, one that many people are intimidated by. Looking at thousands of dollars – in some cases, tens of thousands – can become overwhelming very quickly. So much so, that many people have been deterred from attempting to purchase their first home

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Tips Worth Considering When You’re Self-Employed

When you’re self-employed, there’s a lot of challenges that come with taking that career choice. However, having a career that can work around you can certainly be something that provides you with a better balance of work and life. Unless that is, you’re someone who loves to work! Here are some tips worth considering when

Tips Worth Considering When You’re Self-Employed Read More »

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5 Ways You Could Be Putting Your Business Finances At Risk

Money: It’s great when you have it, and not so great when you don’t! This is especially true in business where a steady cash flow needs to be in place. For a business to succeed, profits need to be made. If there are too many losses on the other hand…well, as thousands of failed business

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The Elements of a Winning Strategy: What are 5 Things That All Successful Restaurant Owners Have in Common?

Restaurants are a venture that isn’t for everyone and requires hard work and determination. Too often budding owners make fatal mistakes and see their dreams go up in a cloud of smoke. Successful restaurant owners offer sound advice for newcomers and give pointers that increase the success of startup companies. When assessing the necessary steps,

The Elements of a Winning Strategy: What are 5 Things That All Successful Restaurant Owners Have in Common? Read More »

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White Mountain Partners on How to Review Your Personal Finances

How often do you review your personal finances? If you’re like most people, your answer is Not Often Enough. Right?It’s hardly surprising. Reviewing our finances isn’t as fun as watching a movie or taking a trip to the beach. But there probably is time we could spare fo this revealing activity.How often should we do it?

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