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Using credit cards should only be a last resort

As a responsible adult and father, I understand the importance of budgeting, saving and living within my means. But no matter how hard I try to be financially responsible, there are times when it’s impossible to stick to my plan. In these situations, I know that using a credit card should only be a last […]

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Your Action Plan To Protect Your Freelance Business

The global pandemic has affected everyone in a lot of ways, especially when it comes to work. Some of the hardest hit have been freelancers, many of whom are only now beginning to recover.Research has shown that the pandemic has had a negative impact on 67% of freelancers, while 60% have experienced a decrease in

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Tips On Preparing Your Finances For A Fresh Start

Sometimes, a fresh start in life is needed. It might be your own decision, or it might simply be the hand that fate has dealt you. While many aspects of your life rest back to zero, your money situation mustn’t be one of them. Only a significant amount of preparation can help you here. This way,

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3 Ways Millennials Can Fight Back Against Financial Stigma

Millennials have received a bad rap over the years, dubbed by numerous media outlets as being ‘bad with money’. There is little truth to this stigma, and in fact, the consensus is broadly beginning to change. Millennials are becoming increasingly active in managing their money, and they are notably doing it well too. Still, stereotypes can

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Managing Your Money More Effectively

Sometimes, managing your money more effectively is simply a matter of changing certain habits. Let’s take a look at some of the most common things people do to keep their finances in order.Maintain an Awareness of Your FinancesYou have to know where you are to get to where you want to go — otherwise you

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How Freelancers Can Prevent Work Disaster

You’ve been working on a project all morningwhen, all of a sudden, your tech breaks down. Your progress is ruined, and now you have to scramble to get new equipment so that you can get back to work. How can you deal with this disaster? Dealing with Tech Disasters at Home One of the biggest challenges

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