Employee engagement

performance improvement plan for employees

Revolutionize Your Team: Implementing a Strategic Improvement Plan

Transform your team with a strategic improvement plan. Elevate performance with expert strategies and leadership guidance.

Revolutionize Your Team: Implementing a Strategic Improvement Plan Read More »

How Psychometric Assessments Improve Employee Engagement and Retention

Employee engagement and retention are key pillars of a successful workplace. But how do companies make sure that their employees are not just satisfied but also engaged and motivated? One compelling new solution on the rise is the use of psychometric assessments. These tests explore the depths of an employee’s mind, providing insights that can

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The Importance of DEI Training in the Workplace: Building Inclusive Cultures

In today’s rapidly evolving professional landscape, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training has emerged as a cornerstone for building workplaces that are not only diverse but also inclusive and equitable. Imagine a workplace where every employee, regardless of their background, feels valued, respected, and empowered to bring their true selves to work. This is not

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Innovative Employee Incentive Programs to Boost Workplace Productivity

Table of ContentsWhy Employee Incentives MatterThough they are mainly envisioned as one of the perks, employee incentives, in reality, can play a salvaging role in keeping employees happy and productive at work. A well-formulated employee incentive scheme elicits greater engagement, reduces the churn rate within the workforce, and thus gives productivity a fillip. According to Gallup research, companies

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Here’s How Awards and Trophies Impact Employee Engagement

If a company wants to succeed and stay in business, employee engagement is key. Employee engagement increases performance and improves corporate results via increased productivity, motivation, and commitment to work. Awards and trophies, when used strategically, are a strong tool for increasing employee engagement. To demonstrate the importance of medals and trophies in fostering a

Here’s How Awards and Trophies Impact Employee Engagement Read More »

employee benefits

An Employment Attorney’s Perspective on the Future of Employee Benefits and Rights

The landscape of employee benefits is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by changing workforce dynamics, technological advancements, and evolving legal frameworks. As an employment attorney, it’s crucial to navigate this shifting terrain and champion the rights and well-being of employees in the face of these changes. The Evolving Landscape of Employee Benefits The traditional model of

An Employment Attorney’s Perspective on the Future of Employee Benefits and Rights Read More »

what is retention

What is Retention? How to Keep Your Best Talent

What is retention? The concept of retention goes beyond mere numbers or statistics. In this post, we’ll deep-dive into employee retention and how to achieve it.

What is Retention? How to Keep Your Best Talent Read More »


Work-Life Balance: Supporting Employee Well-being for Enhanced Engagement

Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is crucial to ensure employees’ well-being and engagement. In today’s fast-paced work environment, companies are starting to understand the importance of supporting their employees’ work-life balance. By implementing specific strategies and policies, organizations can create an environment that fosters employee well-being while enhancing productivity.  It is crucial

Work-Life Balance: Supporting Employee Well-being for Enhanced Engagement Read More »

exit interview

A Useful Exit Interview Template made for Managers

An exit interview can uncover issues and provoke positive change. I offer you a practical exit interview template to conduct these interviews effectively.

A Useful Exit Interview Template made for Managers Read More »

Business Process Transformation

Business Process Transformation: Start With ‘Why’ for Best Results

The approach of starting with ‘why’ ensures that business process transformation is effective and aligns with the strategic goals.

Business Process Transformation: Start With ‘Why’ for Best Results Read More »

Congruence and Dissonance in Business Transformation

Business Transformation: the Critical Effect of Congruence and Dissonance

The path of business transformation is fraught with challenges, often marked by a tussle between congruence and dissonance.

Business Transformation: the Critical Effect of Congruence and Dissonance Read More »

Dress Code Policy

Companies Struggle to Keep Quality Talent Amid a Tightening Labor Market

Today’s labor market is fast becoming a difficult one to navigate for companies who look to retain the best talent. Retention numbers are usually the top priority of any top-tier HR manager, but it is fast becoming a real challenge for them. Companies need help to keep talent in their midst as they compete for top talent. It is

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Do Performance Reviews have a Direct Impact on Company Profitability?

As a manager, you may often wonder how performance reviews affect the profitability of your company. After all, taking time to provide feedback and evaluate employees can seem like an unnecessary expenditure of resources. However, research suggests that these sessions do indeed have a powerful impact on the health of organisations. In this article, I

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How Performance Reviews will Change in the Next Five Years

Performance reviews have been an essential part of the workplace for decades, helping employers to evaluate their employees’ performance and development. But as technology advances, so too do our methods of evaluating performance. In the next five years, we can expect to see a shift in how employers use performance reviews to assess their staff’s

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Increasing Employee Engagement Through Gamification

As somebody who works with a lot of HR professionals, the question often arises about how employers can increase employee engagement. After all, happy and engaged employees are more likely to stay with a company longer, so it makes sense that companies would want to do whatever they can to keep their employees satisfied. One

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Methods to Improve the Monitoring & Maintaining of Manufacturing Machines

The more effective and efficient the maintenance processes of your machinery, the better their performance and, ultimately, the better the profit for your company.  Fortunately, there is indeed a myriad of ways to streamline and improve the monitoring and maintenance of manufacturing machines, the top four methods of which are discussed below.  1.   Implement a More

Methods to Improve the Monitoring & Maintaining of Manufacturing Machines Read More »

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How to Increase Employee Engagement in the Workplace

Now more than ever, organizations have a critical responsibility to keep their employees committed, engaged, and happy to thrive and survive the dynamic workspace. According to Gallup, only 36% of U.S employees are engaged in their work.Engaged employees are enthusiastic and involved in their work. One of the best ways to know if your employees

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The Secret to Creating Effective Employee Performance Improvement Plans

Employee performance improvement plans are implemented after the owner evaluates all workers and discovers what changes the company needs. Evaluations of the workers help supervisors learn more about each employee and their role in the company. When identifying strengths and weaknesses, business owners get more information by using the right software to collect data. The

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6 useful tips for retaining employees in 2020

Many recent studies show that companies are failing to retain their most productive employees and thus need revised strategies for a good retention rate. In many instances, it was found out that those employees who left the company could be saved from leaving. In today’s corporate world, competition is too high and it is too

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Miracle Employee Engagement Strategies You Can Implement Today

Ensuring that employees remain engaged is a massive priority for businesses. Something like 50 percent of the workforce doesn’t feel actively engaged in what they’re doing, representing an enormous cost to individual companies and the economy as a whole. The task, therefore, is to find ways to improve engagement and get employees pumped about what they’re

Miracle Employee Engagement Strategies You Can Implement Today Read More »

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Starting an IT Business in Two Simple Steps

Do you have a passion for computing? Do you also just so happen to have a burning desire to start your own company? If so, combine these two all-important aspects of your life and start your own IT business. Make no mistake about it, starting a business in the tech industry is never going to

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