
favoritism in the workplace

Why Favoritism is a Natural Management Behavior

Let’s face it: favoritism in the workplace is real. Whether you’re the one doing the favoring or the one being favored, it’s one of those tricky dynamics we don’t really like to talk about. But here’s the kicker: favoritism, in many cases, isn’t even something we’re fully conscious of. In fact, I’d argue that favoritism, […]

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unbiased media outlets

Breaking Free from Bias: Your Guide to Unbiased Media Outlets

I’ll share some unbiased media outlets and learn how to access reliable news sources for balanced reporting and fairness. It’s the way to gain intelligent enlightenment!

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The Customer Is Always Right (and Other Bullish*t Business Myths)

This article aims to dissect the common myths, to provide a more nuanced understanding of their implications and to suggest more balanced approaches.

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Navigating the Complexities of Modern Ethics in Artificial Intelligence

Navigating the Complexities of Modern Ethics in Artificial Intelligence

As AI systems become more integral to our society, ethical considerations surrounding their use have also grown more complex and pressing.

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