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How to Use Walking to Become Fit and Lean

Walking is one of the most natural and simplest forms of exercise that can be done by virtually anyone, regardless of age or fitness level. It’s also incredibly effective for improving overall health and helping to achieve a leaner, fitter body. However, walking alone won’t give you the results you want; it needs to be […]

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Why I Started Lifting Weights (But I Don’t Want to be a Beefcake)

I never was the athletic type. Growing up, I spent my free time playing video games and reading books. I wasn’t overweight, but I certainly wasn’t fit either. That all changed when I started lifting weights. At first, I had no intention of becoming a “beefcake,” or at least that’s what it felt like everyone

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3 Career Options For People That Want Complete Flexibility

There are so many people out there that are fed up with the 9 to 5 grind. It takes over their life and they feel that they don’t have enough spare time to do the things that they really enjoy in life. In some cases, it isn’t the schedule that people hate, it’s just the

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Complete Guide To CrossFit Equipment

We are going to look at one of the most popular exercises and the different types of equipment that are needed.Whether you’re using them for as a part of your training business as you have just gotten your certificate 3 in fitness or purely for your own physical improvement, there are four kinds of CrossFit

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Ways To Stay Healthy As An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs must always look after their company’s financial health. However, it’s important to get in shape yourself too. While entrepreneurship is certainly rewarding, the demands of running a business take a toll. The biggest issue for entrepreneurs is that they put their ventures first. They’re so excited about their business ideas that they don’t take

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How to Have Fun While You’re Traveling for Business

Business trips can be a drag: There’s the getting up early, the hassle of traveling, and being away from your family and friends. In a new city, it can also sometimes feel isolating, as if all you’re doing is working, and of course you want to stay productive. But there’s no reason to shut yourself

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Safety Tips When Travelling for Business

When travelling for business, it’s easy to overlook the importance of safety during your trip. If you want to stay safe and sound when travelling, we recommend that you try and fit the following ideas into your planning: it will make every trip more enjoyable, and better for you.Get to know your vehicleWhen travelling for

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