Healthy Habits

The Road to Redemption: Transforming Your Life After Drug Addiction

The journey from the depths of drug addiction to the pinnacle of a reformed life is a road fraught with challenges and triumphs. To traverse this path successfully, understanding the gravity of addiction’s influence on personal health and overall life quality is crucial. For some, seeking legal guidance, such as consulting an Arizona DUI attorney, can […]

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Limit Screen Time of Your Kids (Without it Feeling Like a Punishment)

As parents, we know it’s a problem, trying to limit screen time can feel like you’re being the bad guy, especially when screens are such a big part of life.

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Upgrading Your Home: the Mental Health Impacts (and Its Solutions)

Upgrading Your Home: the Mental Health Impacts (and Its Solutions)

If you’re feeling stressed about even the bare basics of life, you are not alone. So many of us are experiencing the aftereffects of the pandemic, and because of the sheer upheaval it made in our lives, and then the seemingly ongoing nature of the world deteriorating in some form or another, is going to

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A Quick Guide to Promoting the Wellbeing of Your Employees

Most workers spend 30-40 hours a week in the office. This constitutes a third of their time, leaving another third for sleeping and only the last third for leisure. With so much time spent in one place, there’s no reason why employees should have to suffer an unhealthy work environment. Although they should be working

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Ways To Stay Healthy As An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs must always look after their company’s financial health. However, it’s important to get in shape yourself too. While entrepreneurship is certainly rewarding, the demands of running a business take a toll. The biggest issue for entrepreneurs is that they put their ventures first. They’re so excited about their business ideas that they don’t take

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