home office

Crafting Your Ideal Study Space: Constructing a Home Office for Academic Success

Transforming a space in your home into a productive study area is crucial for academic and professional development. It requires careful consideration of location, layout, and tools that reinforce focus and facilitate learning. By creating a personalized and well-equipped study environment, you can greatly enhance your capacity to acquire and retain knowledge. In this article, […]

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garden office

The Many Benefits of a Garden Office

Thanks to the growing gig economy, the need for home offices has increased dramatically. People need spaces in their homes where they can work in peace and quiet and concentrate on the job in hand. But all too often, though, home offices tend to be little more than cupboards with a computer in them. They’re

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The 4 Essential Tools To Have In Your Home Office

Your home office might not be located in the most glamorous area of your house. It could be in a garage or even a shed if you are really desperate. Unfortunately many people were thrown into a work from home scenario before they could get set up for it.  Regardless of where your home office

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How to Set Up a Home Office Space

Lately, more and more businesses allow their employees to work from home. This is particularly the case ever since last year where so many of us had no other choice. Now, working from home does sound quite appealing, especially to those that were never in an opportunity to try it out.While working from home does

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Home Ergonomics – How to save your posture in the work from home era

It’s safe to say that the recent conditions across the globe have changed the way businesses and individuals operate on a day-to-day basis. People have left office luxuries like tablet holders and standing desks behind for the safety of their home offices – some of which, sadly, simply aren’t upto the task of supporting their body

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Could This Be The Year You Work From Home? Let’s Discuss

When it comes to the new year we can all have grand plans on what we want to do and achieve with the next twelve months. A lot of them may be lifestyle related. Where you focus on your health and wellbeing, but there can be other things that you consider such as changing up

Could This Be The Year You Work From Home? Let’s Discuss Read More »

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3 Important Considerations When Setting Up Your Home Office

More and more people are setting up offices at home. Whether that’s because you are in a flexible job that allows you to work from home for some days of the week, or you are a freelancer who works at your desk at home, or you have set up a business which you run from

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Four reasons why you shouldn’t work from your bed

There is no denying it – since the 90s, working from home has become a very popular and many people choose it above office working. And I can understand it too: working in an environment more conducive to better performance (as many people find it) makes a lot of sense; why wouldn’t you if you

Four reasons why you shouldn’t work from your bed Read More »

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How To Combat Loneliness When You Are Working For Yourself

If you consider yourself as a bit of an introvert, working from home as a freelancer probably sounds like your idea of heaven. You don’t have to worry about making small talk with colleagues that you don’t actually like over the water cooler, sit through endless board meetings and presentations, or have to worry about

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Freelance Freedom: What To Do As Soon As You Earn A Steady Self-Employed Paycheck

 You’ve toiled and trod your way through the myriad of difficulties that comes with the freelancer life. And once you’ve acquired the relevant freelancing tools, and finally built up a decent paycheck, is it time to relax? Part of being a freelancer is about that inability to stop, but after a while, you’ve earned so

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self employed tips

7 Successful Self-Employed Tips You Need to Know

Being your own boss can be amazing at times. It can also be stressful and require a ton of self-discipline. You have no one telling you what to do when you wake up every day. You’re on your own to make your own choices and make your own money. This article will teach you 7

7 Successful Self-Employed Tips You Need to Know Read More »

garden office

A Productive Rant About Why You Should Build A Garden Office

Thanks to the growing gig economy, the need for home offices has increased dramatically. People need spaces in their homes where they can work in peace and quiet and concentrate on the job in hand.But all too often, though, home offices tend to be little more than cupboards with a computer in them. They’re not

A Productive Rant About Why You Should Build A Garden Office Read More »

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