
Passive Income Potential: 7 Ways to Make Money While You Sleep

Tired of the same old “invest in stocks” or “start a blog” passive income advice? We get it. The internet is packed full of repetitious advice, especially when it comes to passive income. So, grab a notebook, open a reliable tax return calculator in another tab, and let’s step away from the everyday. Below, you’ll

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Credit Card Requirements

Not just anyone can get a credit card. In fact, credit cards often have several requirements you must meet to apply. These application requirements are what we’re covering today. Continue reading to learn more about eligibility requirements for credit cards in Canada. Applying for a credit cardAnytime you submit a credit card application, you are putting

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Common Tax Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Filing taxes is a necessary but often daunting task for many individuals and businesses. Even with the best intentions, common tax mistakes can lead to audits, penalties, and undue stress. Understanding these mistakes and how to avoid them can save you time, money, and peace of mind. In this article, we’ll explore some of the

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Using Investments to Get out of Debt

The average Canadian was in about $20,000 of non-mortgage debt in 2021, according to Equifax Canada. This means that the everyday spending of many Canadians is outpacing their income by a significant amount. There are all kinds of strategies for tackling debt, including various ways you can budget your earnings and other approaches for paying down

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How Much Do Tattoo Artists Make?

Did you know there are over 30,000 working tattoo artists in the United States? It takes experience and dedication to become a professional tattoo artist, and it often pays off once they get their careers started.However, not everyone knows how much money they can expect from this profession.So, how much do tattoo artists make? Let’s

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Benefits of Residential Real Estate Investments

Investing in real estate has long been seen as a lucrative means of making money. It stands to reason because there are billions of people on this planet and every single one of them needs a place to live. A good landlord can provide a well-maintained place for people to live and turn a profit,

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A Step by Step Guide on How to Choose a Career Path

Did you know that all careers fall into one of six different categories despite there being thousands upon thousands of career paths? With so many different careers that you could focus on, figuring out how to choose a career path can feel overwhelming. However, with your focus on the right task, you can narrow down your search

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Personal Loans in 2022 and 10 Best Examples

Define Personal Loan?The total amount of cash or money obtained from a bank, credit union, or internet lender and repaid in equal monthly installments over two to seven years.Personal loans are usually unsecured, meaning they don’t demand any kind of security. Instead, lenders examine your credit history, income, and debts when approving a loan. If

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Managing Your Money More Effectively

Sometimes, managing your money more effectively is simply a matter of changing certain habits. Let’s take a look at some of the most common things people do to keep their finances in order.Maintain an Awareness of Your FinancesYou have to know where you are to get to where you want to go — otherwise you

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Getting Ahead With Stocks That Pay Monthly Dividends

If you’re new to the stock market, there are several things to consider when it comes to dividend payouts. Dividends refer to profit distributions made by a corporation that are paid to shareholders via shares in the company. These profit distributions can be paid quarterly, semi-annually, annually, or even monthly. Monthly dividend payouts, in particular,

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Keeping Yourself Motivated as a Freelancer

Even the most diligent of us struggles with motivation at times. But for freelancers, a lapse in motivation could result in a loss of productivity, and thus a loss of income. Something that no freelancer can afford in these financially precarious times where many have lost clients and more have lost work, finding it hard

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Picking Yourself Up: What To Do If You Lost Your Job During COVID-19

The global pandemic has caused issues all over the world. Many of us have been confined to our homes and businesses forced to close to help us get through this crisis. Some of those businesses were already struggling financially and had to fold. Leaving lots of people without an income and out of work. If

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Why Your eCommerce Side Hustle Still Isn’t Profitable

Many people begin an eCommerce side hustle to increase their income and improve their prospects. It is relatively easy to set up and doesn’t cost a great deal.  But making online selling profitable is a challenge. You see videos online talking about the enormous sums of money that you can make. But when you come

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Income vs Stress – Letting Out Your London Property

If you have a property in London, you may be contemplating whether to let it out for some extra income. For some people, this decision seems like a no-brainer. After all, who would turn down some extra cash every month? For others, the decision isn’t so easy. They don’t want the hassle that comes with

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What Is a Collateral Loan?

When you’re in need of funding, you have a lot of options. You can get a personal loan, get a revolving line of credit, or take out credit cards. When you’re shopping around and looking at you’re options, you’re likely to come across the term collateral loan.It can make the whole loan process difficult to understand.

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Cash Flow Tips All Freelancers Need

Your finances can be one of the most difficult (but most important) elements of being a freelancer or running your own business. Not only are you in charge of getting paid and paying the bills, but you also have the joy of tax returns to consider as well. If you’re not on top of your

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How to Expertly Manage Your Money as a Freelancer

A freelance career can be unpredictable. After all, your income will depend on your clients’ needs and it might seem almost impossible to calculate your finances from month to month.However, there are actions you can perform to take a tighter grip of your finances, which can help you to enjoy a healthy bank balance and

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