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Keeping Yourself Motivated as a Freelancer

Even the most diligent of us struggles with motivation at times. But for freelancers, a lapse in motivation could result in a loss of productivity, and thus a loss of income. Something that no freelancer can afford in these financially precarious times where many have lost clients and more have lost work, finding it hard […]

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Could It Be The Time To Launch A Creative Business?

We’re all going through a strange period right now, aren’t we? There’s a lot more time, but also a lot less. Because there’s something about having free time that makes it fly by. Or just generally being in a bit more of a panic that makes you feel less in the mood to get things

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3 Ways Regularly Spending Some Alone Time in Nature Can Benefit Your Business

When people think about what it takes to make a success of a business, or to really gain the edge as an entrepreneur, they often come to focus on stuff like the sheer grit to turn up at work early each morning no matter what, or an unwavering commitment to customer service.Certainly, these things are

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10 Ways on How Feedback Helps to Grow Leadership Skills

What is Leadership? Is it something related to command a few people? No, they are called bosses. Being a leader goes beyond a boss. Leaders motivate themselves and everyone else to go down the ethical path. They lay the foundation. They develop an inspirational ambition, and they build something revolutionary. They garner followership towards a

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