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Which Are The Fastest Growing Careers (and How Do You Join Them?)

Guess what? The information technology (IT) and health care industries offer the fastest growing careers. And they’re clamoring for more skilled workers. How can you become one of them?Everyone dreams of a career with a handsome salary, one promising boundless growth and loads of opportunities. But these careers belong to a privileged few, and they […]

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How to Use Twitter in Your Job Search

It’s become the de facto means for people to tell each other what they’re having for lunch, or which movie they’re about to see. Not just that – it’s become a hotbed of activity for business and commercial purposes, favored by Internet Marketers, Bloggers and product developers to spread the word about their vittles.A growing

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Alternative non-IT Careers for Tech Workers

I’ve just seen an article on CIO.COM which suggests 24 alternative careers for IT professionals. The article is off the back of the belief in the disappearance of tech jobs from the US, but this is true of Canada and Western Europe also. The article, written by Meredith Levinson, looks at the skills and experience of common IT vocations

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