
failure is crucial

10 Reasons Why Failure is Crucial for People and Organisations

While no one enjoys failing, the process of failing teaches us lessons that success alone often cannot. Let’s break down why failure is so essential.

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rewarded for failure

The Powerful, Dreadful, Long-Term Impact of Rewarding Failure

Rewarding failure can feel kind in the short term, a salve to ease the sting of disappointment, but in the long term, it can have unwanted long-term effects.

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kids tech

Educational Apps and Tools: Empowering Kids in a Tech-Driven World

Educational technology has become an integral part of our children’s learning journey. From interactive apps to online platforms, technology is revolutionizing the way kids learn and interact with educational content. However, as parents, navigating this tech-driven landscape carefully is crucial, ensuring that our children benefit from these tools without compromising their safety. This article explores

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Diversity of Thought

When Are We Going to Start Talking About Diversity of Thought?

Diversity of thought refers to the inclusion and integration of individuals with different ways of thinking, problem-solving, and viewing the world.

When Are We Going to Start Talking About Diversity of Thought? Read More »

wisdom vs intelligence

How to Understand the Difference Between Wisdom vs Intelligence

This post aims to dissect the nuances of wisdom vs intelligence, and insight into how they differ and how they converge in the tapestry of human experience.

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6 Habits Of Highly Effective Managers

Managers carry a lot of responsibility. They need to manage their own workload, but at the same time, they must ensure that their team stays on top of their goals and objectives. Being a manager also requires understanding what drives people and how to help others succeed in what they do. Highly effective managers also

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Which is Better for Mental Performance: The Mediterranean Diet or Ketogenic Diet?

For mental performance, the Mediterranean Diet and Ketogenic Diet are two popular options. But which one is better for our brains? In this article, I explore the latest in scientific research to determine if one diet is superior to the other when it comes to mental performance. The Mediterranean Diet has been around since the

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college graduate

How to Stay Productive After College Graduation

If you have recently graduated college, you might be adjusting to adulting, whether that means working a full-time job, living on your own, or shopping for your own groceries. You might find that you now have a lot of free time on your hands since you no longer need to study for exams and worry

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4 Ways To Improve Your Sharpness In The Business World

When you enter the professional world after leaving school, you have to switch on a lot more often as you have a lot more responsibilities. Whether you’re looking to climb up the ladder in a particular field and reach the highest highs, or whether you’re just looking to earn money in order to spend it

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Never Stop Learning: 5 Tips to Motivate Yourself and the Ones Around You

It is extremely common for professionals who have a secure job to just go with the flow and miss out on several opportunities. This often happens because we think of learning and personal development as something we go through during the year of college and postgraduate.  The truth is that the moment you stop learning,

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Keeping Yourself Motivated as a Freelancer

Even the most diligent of us struggles with motivation at times. But for freelancers, a lapse in motivation could result in a loss of productivity, and thus a loss of income. Something that no freelancer can afford in these financially precarious times where many have lost clients and more have lost work, finding it hard

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Why is Computer Programming a Great Career Choice?

Someday each of us needs to make a career choice. It is one of the hardest choices in life, and the main problem is that we need to do it when we are too young to be fully responsive to all our decisions. Unfortunately, our relatives make this choice instead of us too often, and

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How To Boost The Chances Of Getting The Job You Want

Whenever you see a job that jumps out at you, your initial instinct is to apply for it immediately, of course. You probably also take into account the others that are applying for the role and how you’ll need to outdo them during all stages in order to get the position. Some of you will

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How Can Your Business Adapt To The Coronavirus Lockdown?

Businesses across the world are feeling the pressure of the coronavirus lockdown. None of us were prepared for these times, and we are now striving to turn these challenges into opportunities. We have had to learn new methods and new skills, and use new tools to keep our businesses going. Who would have thought that

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A Cohesive Unit: Why Collaboration and Teamwork is Important For Your Business

Running a small business can be one of the most challenging jobs on the planet. As a business owner, your main goal needs to be keeping your employees productive. Businesses in the United States lose over $570 billion each year due to low productivity. Finding and pinpointing productivity issues is essential when trying to keep

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Measuring Your Business Success

It’s a question that most business owners ask themselves at least once or twice. Or, they ask their management team this question at some point in their career. Success is measured differently for every business, and some measure their success in the way that they feel, with others knowing they are successful because they are

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Why It Is Worth Diversifying Your Skillset

It can be very easy to become rigid and set in our ways when it comes to our careers. Often we will have invested a considerable amount of time, effort, and money to get to where we are right now. Perhaps you had your mind set on achieving the career that you are in from

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Want To Start A Business – But Keep Putting It Off?

Many of us have dreams of starting a business, but never actually get around to making it a reality. Here are just some of the common excuses for not starting a business – and why you need to stop letting these excuses get in the way.  ‘I don’t have enough money’You don’t always need a lot

Want To Start A Business – But Keep Putting It Off? Read More »

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