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4 Biggest Threats to Your Productivity and How to Avoid Them

In the constant bid to become more productive, we often end up achieving exactly the opposite. Whether it’s steaming ahead without remembering to take a break, multitasking to try and get more done, or focusing too heavily on the smaller tasks, there are many things that we do in our day-to-day lives, both personally and […]

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Great Leaders Listen First, Then Speak

The writers of the thirty-year-old series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, knew the ingredients of great leadership instinctively. Throughout the series, captain of the Enterprise, Jean-Luc Picard, would host high-level meetings in the ship’s conference room. Everyone at the table had an opportunity to share their ideas. Picard would sit there, listening, taking everything in,

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4 Tips for Better Business Communication

Communication is crucial for the successful operation of any business. It doesn’t matter if it’s communication between colleagues, between a manager and their team or between your business and its customers, good communication will always be vital, and any methods you can install to improve any manner of communication within your business will readily help

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What’s the Difference Between a Resume and a CV?

One in five recruiters will reject a resume before they even finishing reading it. Having an excellent resume is critically important in finding a job. But there is often some confusion between a CV and a resume. Both are very different when you apply for jobs. Mixing them up and sending a resume when a potential employer

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Why Compliance is the Business Buzzword to Watch

As a business owner or manager, you need to be aware of the latest buzzwords and requirements which will ensure you grow and thrive as a company. One of the essential buzzwords in business is compliance. Compliance is the requirement for a company to adhere to specific laws and workplace rules. There are numerous areas

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