mental health

How to Maintain a Healthy Mindset While Balancing Studies and Social Life

How to Maintain a Healthy Mindset While Balancing Studies and Social Life

For most students, balancing studies and social life can be likened to walking on a tightrope. Deadlines are approaching, and people constantly invite you to different places. It can be easy to get lost and feel overwhelmed and burnt out. But by incorporating small things into your everyday practice, you can maintain your mental health […]

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Understanding Burnout: Psychological Strategies for Managing Workplace Stress

Burnout is becoming more widespread in today’s fast-paced work situations. If left untreated, burnout can lead to persistent concerns such as anxiety, sadness, and even medical ailments such as heart disease. Constant stress and a shortage of work-life balance can leave you feeling weary, stressed, and disengaged from your job. But it does not have

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work-life balance and feeling trapped

Why Work-Life Balance is Critical in Preventing Modern Health Epidemics

In our tech-driven world, the boundaries between work and personal life have become increasingly blurred. With the rise of remote work, the proliferation of smartphones, and the expectation of constant availability, many individuals find themselves working longer hours, often at the expense of their health. This shift has led to a growing concern about the

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feeling trapped at work

Empowering Ways to Overcome Feeling Trapped at Work

Escape the chains of feeling trapped at work! Empower yourself with strategies for liberation and embrace a new chapter of growth.

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Bulletproof Excuses to Get Out of Work

Bulletproof Excuses to Get Out of Work (With Examples)

In this article I will delve into some of the most bulletproof excuses to get out of work, sharing what I have used in the past, supported by examples.

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How Will Nursing Change in the Next 20 Years?

The nursing profession, a cornerstone of healthcare, is poised for transformative changes over the next two decades. Let’s take a look how.

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The Impact of Psychotherapy on Mental Health: Proven Benefits and Outcomes

Key Takeaways:Table of Contents:IntroductionPsychotherapy, often referred to as talk therapy, has gained widespread acceptance as an effective treatment for a variety of mental health issues. This therapeutic approach involves speaking with a trained therapist to identify and address emotional challenges, cognitive patterns, and behavioral problems. Through these interactions, psychotherapy aims to improve an individual’s mental

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lifestyle influencer

Most Lifestyle ‘Influencers’ are Frauds. Here’s Why

I delve into why most lifestyle influencers are frauds, dissecting the various ways they mislead their followers and the implications of this on society.

Most Lifestyle ‘Influencers’ are Frauds. Here’s Why Read More »

How to Deal With the Emotional Stress of Having a Family Member in Jail    

Seeing a loved one in trouble is the worst thing possible. Whether someone in your family falls sick or faces financial trouble, you feel equally affected. Similarly, when a family member ends up behind bars, the situation becomes strenuous.  It’s not every day that you see people being arrested, and when your family is on the line,

How to Deal With the Emotional Stress of Having a Family Member in Jail     Read More »

why do people lie

Navigating the Truth: Insight into Why People Lie in Relationships

I’ll help you discover why people lie in relationships. Explore motivations, harmful intentions, and the impact on mental health. Find insights and help.

Navigating the Truth: Insight into Why People Lie in Relationships Read More »

angry boss

Steps To Take If You’re Being Bullied At Work

Bullying at work is a serious issue that can impact your mental health, job performance, and overall well-being. It’s crucial to address the problem promptly and effectively. Here are the steps you should take if you find yourself being bullied at work.1. Recognise the SignsThe first step in addressing workplace bullying is recognising it. Bullying

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compulsive lying disorder

How to Overcome Compulsive Lying Disorder in Relationships

Break free from the cycle of compulsive lying disorder in relationships. Discover treatment options and coping strategies for a healthier connection.

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How to Expand Your Social Circle

How to Expand Your Social Circle Like a Pro

Expanding your social circle can be a rewarding endeavor. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to effectively grow your social network.

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cbd oil 5358403 1280

For What Purposes is CBD Oil Used?

CBD oil, derived from the hemp plant, has become a significant focus of attention for its potential health benefits. As part of the broader category of CBD products, CBD oil stands out for its versatility and therapeutic potential. But what exactly are the purposes for which CBD oil is used? This article delves into the

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pathological liars

How to Recognize and Confront Pathological Liars in Relationships

Unmasking pathological liars in relationships: I’ll help you learn how to recognize the signs, cope with challenges, and seek support.

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Improve mental health with the help of fly agaric microdosing

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the potential benefits of microdosing various substances to enhance mental health. One substance that has garnered attention is Amanita muscaria, commonly known as fly agaric. Known for its distinctive red cap with white spots, this mushroom has been used in traditional medicine and shamanic rituals

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How to Combine TMS Therapy with Lifestyle Changes for Better Depression Management

Living with depression can feel like you’re walking through life with a heavy backpack, each step requiring more effort than it should. The weight of sadness, hopelessness, and exhaustion can be crushing, making everyday tasks like insurmountable challenges. Traditional treatments like medication and talk therapy, while commonly used as the first line of defense, may

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home decor trends

Enhancing Quality of Life for Seniors Through Innovative Living Spaces

The quality of life for seniors is a critical consideration that touches on every aspect of their daily living, especially in their residential environment. As the baby boomer generation moves into retirement, their living needs shift significantly. Prioritizing comfort, safety, and community engagement in living spaces must be emphasized. The goal should be to design

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