mental wellbeing

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How to Improve Longevity

With advancements in science and technology, we are gaining insights into the factors contributing to longevity and methods to enhance it. This article outlines ways to improve your chances of living a longer, healthier life

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Why it’s Super-Important to Properly Recover After Exercise

Recovery is critical for any type of exercise routine. But it’s especially true for those who do resistance training because of the intensity level involved

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Are you Too Agreeable to be Successful?

We are often told that ‘being nice’ – agreeable – is a way to be successful. But how true is this?

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Why Resistance Training is Vital for Seniors

Why resistance training is vital for seniors, and examples of how it can be used beneficially in everyday life

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Is it Better to Exercise at the Start of Your Day, or Towards the End?

It is a well known fact that exercise offers numerous health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular health, increased strength, and better mental wellbeing. However, many people struggle to fit exercise into their daily routines. As such, it is important to consider when the best time to exercise is; should it be at the start of

Is it Better to Exercise at the Start of Your Day, or Towards the End? Read More »

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How Resistance Training (Weight Lifting) is Good for Career Success

As an ambitious professional, I have always been focused on achieving career success. Over my years in the workforce, I have come to realise that having a strong physical foundation is essential for succeeding in any job. As such, I have made it a priority to engage in regular exercise and resistance training. In this

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What Should You Do if a Co-worker Hates You?

It’s not easy to deal with a co-worker who hates you. But, unfortunately, it is something that many of us will experience in the workplace at some point or another. The good news is that there are some steps you can take to try and improve the situation – or at least make it bearable.Check

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How Exercise can Improve your Business Performance

As a business leader, you no doubt want your employees to be productive and efficient in the workplace. Exercise is an effective way to achieve this goal. Studies have shown that regular physical activity can improve cognitive performance, enhance creativity, and reduce stress levels. In addition, exercise can boost energy levels and help people stay

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The Enormous Psychological Impact of Social Rejection

When I was a child, I can remember being rejected by my peers more than once. It felt like the whole world had turned against me, and it was an awful feeling. It has been shown time and time again that social rejection has a hugely detrimental psychological impact on people of all ages. In

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How I Mastered Intermittent Fasting

I used to be overweight and unhealthy, but since starting this lifestyle change, I have lost over 50lbs and my health has improved drastically. Intermittent fasting has become an important part of my everyday routine, and I can honestly say that it’s been a huge success in my life.

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Is Resilience Training for Professionals Necessary?

Resilience is the ability to withstand and recover from difficult situations, emotions, and stressors. This quality has become increasingly important for professionals in many industries to maintain mental wellbeing, performance, and productivity. As such, resilience training has emerged as a popular way for business leaders to invest in their employees’ well-being and help them better

Is Resilience Training for Professionals Necessary? Read More »

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Why I Decided to Never Buy Pre-Packaged Food

I never thought much about pre-packaged food before I started my keto lifestyle. I had always been a healthy eater and tried to stay away from processed foods, but it wasn’t until I began my new lifestyle that I realized just how much of a difference avoiding pre-packaged foods could make. After experiencing the health

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