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Public Speaking is Most People’s Nightmare

Public speaking is one of the most common fears that people have, and it’s easy to understand why. Public speaking is a nerve-wracking experience that can leave even the most confident of individuals feeling anxious and vulnerable in front of an audience. It’s no surprise then, that so many people dread having to stand up […]

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How to get over nerves before a Performance Review

It’s natural to feel some nerves before a performance review. After all, it’s a big moment for most of us – and it’s important to make sure you present your work in the best light possible. But if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of your review, there are ways to get over

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Top Details That Make for a Memorable Wedding Reception

The months, or maybe years, that you spend planning your wedding day are bound to be filled with excitement, nerves, and at times a bit of anxiety. Weddings tend to be rather expensive and involve a great many details that have to be seen to. Many couples find themselves at some point or another in

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The Essential Guide To Securing A Promotion

If you have been working in the same role for the past few years and you feel like your career is stagnating a little, you need to start being proactive to secure a promotion. Even though your job is easy and you can fulfill your role with your hands tied behind your back, you are

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