
rewarded for failure

The Powerful, Dreadful, Long-Term Impact of Rewarding Failure

Rewarding failure can feel kind in the short term, a salve to ease the sting of disappointment, but in the long term, it can have unwanted long-term effects.

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Performance Review Tactics for the Retail Industry

Conducting effe­ctive performance re­views can be challenging, e­specially with the fast-paced nature­ of the industry, high staff turnover rates and custome­r interactions that come with jobs in retail. This article­ will explore effe­ctive tactics specifically tailored to pe­rform successful performance re­views within this unique sector

Performance Review Tactics for the Retail Industry Read More »

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Know the Differences Between Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures

Today, most organizations, if not all, have incorporated technology into most of their processes and systems. Besides facilitating a faster and easier way of life, technological advancements allow businesses to remain relevant in the modern world. Digital and electronic signatures are one of the many advancements companies have adopted. However, most people don’t understand the

Know the Differences Between Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures Read More »

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Energy Industry: Why STEM Talent Is a Natural Fit

The energy industry requires top talent to create innovative products and advance to a new age. Many organizations are searching for top talent to fill current job vacancies and start new projects. In the industry, new technologies are emerging, and new developments in science require workers with appropriate skills. By reviewing how recruiters can help,

Energy Industry: Why STEM Talent Is a Natural Fit Read More »

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The Case for Podcasting: A New Internal Communication Vehicle?

It was not that the idea was ever dead, but in the early 1980s, there was something of a resurgence of recognizing that an organization’s greatest asset is its people. All it takes is a look at popular books of the era—In Search of Excellence: Lessons From America’s Best Run Companies, Corporate Cultures: The Rises

The Case for Podcasting: A New Internal Communication Vehicle? Read More »

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