personality traits

Why Do Smart People Have Bad Handwriting?

Do Smart People Have Bad Handwriting?

Is there a legitimate connection between high intelligence and poor penmanship? Let’s try and answer the question Do Smart People Have Bad Handwriting?

Do Smart People Have Bad Handwriting? Read More »

psychometric tools

How Powerful Psychometric Tools Identify Your Hidden Weaknesses

This article explores how psychometric tools can help identify hidden weaknesses and why this process is vital for personal and professional advancement.

How Powerful Psychometric Tools Identify Your Hidden Weaknesses Read More »


What are Psychometrics? How to Understand and Use Them

Psychometrics is a sophisticated field that intersects psychology and statistics, focusing on the science of measuring mental capacities and processes.

What are Psychometrics? How to Understand and Use Them Read More »

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Am I an Extrovert? Ten Tell-Tale Signs That You Are

Have you asked yourself ‘Am I an Extrovert?’ How can you tell if you lean more towards extroversion? Here are ten tell-tale signs to consider

Am I an Extrovert? Ten Tell-Tale Signs That You Are Read More »

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3 Language Strategies for Building Rapport with Colleagues and Clients

People like people like themselves. This is a well-researched (and often written about) fact. Did you know there is a way to build rapport with colleagues or clients by mirroring their language?You might have already heard about ‘mirroring’ body-language to build rapport (if not, then check out my post 7 Ways To Become Liked in

3 Language Strategies for Building Rapport with Colleagues and Clients Read More »

As A Leader, Your Personality Is Everything (Part Four)

If somebody gives you feedback that surprises you, how should you respond? Defensively?… dismissively?… aggressively? Of course not. Here’s how.In last week’s installation of this series , I emphasized a key point: Feedback Is A Gift . In order to understand how other people perceive your personality and your behaviors, you need to be told

As A Leader, Your Personality Is Everything (Part Four) Read More »

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