
Change is Uncomfortable

Change is Uncomfortable

Navigating significant change is inherently an emotional experience. It can be thrilling, painful, or a mix of both, creating a complex landscape of feelings. During such times, maintaining perspective can be particularly challenging. However, understanding that there’s a natural cycle to these emotions, experienced differently by everyone, can provide some comfort. Every individual reacts uniquely

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What would Jordan Peterson say to somebody who was facing their Performance Review?

As somebody who has become a global phenomenon for his views on self-improvement and personal development, it is not surprising that Jordan Peterson’s advice is sought after in a range of situations. Performance reviews are no exception, and if a person were to ask him how to best approach their own performance review, Peterson would

What would Jordan Peterson say to somebody who was facing their Performance Review? Read More »

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Why Outsourcing IT Services Is A Wise Move For Startups

The startup journey is not the way it used to be a few years ago, specifically from the IT perspective. Information technology is no longer a rarity for new businesses; in fact, it is something that they consciously plan and strategize to have in place right from the start. However, the decision may get a

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3 Ways Regularly Spending Some Alone Time in Nature Can Benefit Your Business

When people think about what it takes to make a success of a business, or to really gain the edge as an entrepreneur, they often come to focus on stuff like the sheer grit to turn up at work early each morning no matter what, or an unwavering commitment to customer service.Certainly, these things are

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