professional freelancer

Update on ‘Become a Smart and Effective Freelancer’

Dang It!The Become a Smart and Effective Freelancer course was due for launch on July 1st… But time ran out for me this month! It’s been a hectic mêlée of juggling several projects on the go so I decided to push the launch of this course out so that I can make sure I don’t […]

Update on ‘Become a Smart and Effective Freelancer’ Read More »


Here’s How To Successfully Work With People Long Distance

Creating the right impression with a customer is something all freelancers worry about, especially if business is done long-distance. So much information is lost when we transact over the ether, which makes our communication skills that much more important and (even more nowadays) which tools we use to communicate with.

Here’s How To Successfully Work With People Long Distance Read More »

Freelancers: Get Client Wow-Factor By Managing Expectations

Want to know a secret of how to make your clients say Wow!?Is it about bells and whistles?Do you do it by providing comb-bound booklets?Or is it about *really cool* slide masters when you do a powerpoint presentation?

Freelancers: Get Client Wow-Factor By Managing Expectations Read More »

10 Big Reasons Why Freelancers Must Use Elance and Rentacoder (or Other Freelance Marketplaces)

Freelance Marketplaces, like Elance and Rentacoder, have grown very popular with freelancers and their clients because they are a ‘platform solution’ to many freelancer business problems. For a small(ish) fee, freelancers enjoy many benefits. What are they, and why use these platforms?You might already be familiar with these platforms, and use them regularly. If that isn’t

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How To Calculate Rates in a Competitive Market

You may have noticed that has been focusing a lot lately on landing that top job. It’s no surprise these posts have received a lot of feedback, as in this global economy, landing a well paying job is something that is highly desired. But how do you perceive your worth? Do your perceptions on

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As a Freelancer, You’re At A Disadvantage

As a freelancer, you are likely to be in a disadvantaged position as far as personal development and feedback goes. Why? Well permanent employees, as a rule, are nurtured by their employers. You don’t receive the benefit of the development opportunities presented to permies, unless you create them yourself, and out of your own pocket.

As a Freelancer, You’re At A Disadvantage Read More »

How To Use Your Connections to Increase Your Productivity and Overall Success

Being a freelance web developer, I rely very heavily on my personal and business connections and relationships, and odds are that you do too. Having a lot of connections and/or references and friends “in the business” can be extremely helpful to anyone, but it’s really what and how you interact with these people that makes

How To Use Your Connections to Increase Your Productivity and Overall Success Read More »

Freelancers Tend to Have Their Head In The Sand (and Nine Free Course places available!)

The majority of freelancers in IT have their head in the sand, as far as their personal performance goes.IT leaders from across several industries have commented to me that freelancers tend to move from appointments without seeking feedback on their performance. It’s estimated that over 60% of freelancers do not receive regular feedback on their

Freelancers Tend to Have Their Head In The Sand (and Nine Free Course places available!) Read More »

What Soft Skills Training and Development do Freelancers need?

The big benefits of being freelance is that you generally decide what work you take on, and when you take it on, and there are considerable financial benefits in the short term. IT freelancing is lucrative, compared with permanent positions: income can be three times or more! The trouble with freelancing though is that reaping

What Soft Skills Training and Development do Freelancers need? Read More »

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