Professional Services

Book Review: “Never Say Sell: How the World’s Best Consulting and Professional Services Firms Expand Client Relationships”

This book is a must-read for consultants, lawyers, accountants, and any professional service provider interested in driving growth through recurring business.

Book Review: “Never Say Sell: How the World’s Best Consulting and Professional Services Firms Expand Client Relationships” Read More »


Unlocking LinkedIn Connections: A Freelancer’s Guide to Expanding Your Network

In today’s fast-paced technological world, it’s hard to imagine our lives without social media. Platforms have become an integral part of people’s lives, professional resources are no exception. So LinkedIn, one of the best professional sites, offers job seekers and influencers many opportunities that it is impossible to pass by. Thousands of vacancies, hundreds of huge

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Behind The Numbers: The Real Cost of High-Quality Hearing Aids

For those suffering from hearing loss of varying degrees, hearing aids can be essential. They enhance quality of life and make everyday tasks easier. But, if we’re being honest here, they’re expensive. Sticker shock is common for those seeking to purchase a set and puts buyers off on going ahead with the purchase. There are,

Behind The Numbers: The Real Cost of High-Quality Hearing Aids Read More »

city view at london 672532

Income vs Stress – Letting Out Your London Property

If you have a property in London, you may be contemplating whether to let it out for some extra income. For some people, this decision seems like a no-brainer. After all, who would turn down some extra cash every month? For others, the decision isn’t so easy. They don’t want the hassle that comes with

Income vs Stress – Letting Out Your London Property Read More »

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