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Are Physical Attractiveness and Career Success Linked? Here is the Evidence

When it comes to career success, physical attractiveness may have more of an influence than you think. Recent studies have shown that there is a strong link between physical attractiveness and career success. This connection can be seen in both men and women, although the impact tends to be greater for women. While there is

Are Physical Attractiveness and Career Success Linked? Here is the Evidence Read More »

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Apparently, Having Straighter, Whiter Teeth is Good for your Career

Having good dental health can give professionals an edge in their job search, and even after they have landed a job. Read the research and you’ll find it easy to understand why having straighter, whiter teeth might be advantageous in the workplace. For starters, our appearance has an impact on how we are perceived by

Apparently, Having Straighter, Whiter Teeth is Good for your Career Read More »

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How to Promote Your Brand

In business, brand is everything. This is the public face of your company: the logo, name, slogan, and personality that will attract people towards you and your products. However, even if you have the world’s most enticing brand set up, it’s not worth very much if no one ever hears about it. Getting your brand

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Tips To Help Generate More Sales For Your Business

Your business, no matter how big or small, thrives on sales and making money. If you don’t have the sales, then you wouldn’t have a business, and that’s why it’s essential you do all you can to generate those sales. Every business can have it’s up and downs but it’s important that throughout it, you’re

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