
dream jobs

How to find one of the elusive Dream Jobs

This post will answer ‘where are all the dream jobs?” and the challenging reality of finding them, and provide strategies pursuing job aspirations.

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Things To Think About When Building Your Brand Strategy

Your brand is important. It’s what sets you apart from your competitors. It shows your clients and customers what you stand for, and your beliefs and values. It’s crucial to get it right.There are three core components that you can use as a blueprint for your brand strategy.Purpose: Why are you in business? What are

Things To Think About When Building Your Brand Strategy Read More »

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How to earn an extra income whilst stuck at home

For anyone stuck at home during the COVID-19 outbreak (more or less all of us), are you bored yet?One main reason why you might feel a sense of boredom, though, is a lack of purpose. While most of us enjoy a bit of downtime, having nothing to do day-in, day-out can lead to us becoming

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Why bother with sustainability in business?

Some people, and indeed Presidents, might tell you that sustainability is less important than other things in business, like growth. Sustainability hasn’t been easy, for sure, because supply-chains, societies and whole cultures need to change to make it work, and seem fair.But let me pick up on that word – fair. ‘Fairness’ is the key

Why bother with sustainability in business? Read More »

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