
rewarded for failure

The Powerful, Dreadful, Long-Term Impact of Rewarding Failure

Rewarding failure can feel kind in the short term, a salve to ease the sting of disappointment, but in the long term, it can have unwanted long-term effects.

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progress learning

Progress Learning: How to Learn Anything, Quickly

Progress Learning quickly! There are several proven strategies that can help anyone learn more quickly and retain information more effectively.

Progress Learning: How to Learn Anything, Quickly Read More »

how to decline a job offer

How to Decline a Job Offer

Navigating through job offers is an integral part of any professional journey. In this post I shire how to decline a job offer professionally and courteously.

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Farewell Message to Coworker

How to Write a Farewell Message to Coworker (with examples)

Whether they’re going to a new job or retiring, a farewell message to coworker can express your appreciation and wishes for their future.

How to Write a Farewell Message to Coworker (with examples) Read More »


How To Deal With Arrogant People

Dealing with arrogant people is an inevitable part of life. I show you how to deal with arrogance and what to do when you face into it.

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Post-Coronavirus Careers – Are You Ready For A Switch?

The coronavirus pandemic has had a lot of people thinking about their careers and what they want to do next. For some, it has meant the end of their jobs, and for others, it’s brought home the fact that their careers aren’t living up to the hype. It’s a good time for reflection, and could

Post-Coronavirus Careers – Are You Ready For A Switch? Read More »

backpacks college college students 1454360

3 Ways To Increase Productivity In Your Higher Education Classroom

As an educator, you’ll know that classroom productivity is vital to success. The problem is, sometimes achieving productivity isn’t always easy. No one day in the classroom is the same, and for this reason, it’s essential to keep on analysing your methods and adopting new approaches. The ideal environment to promote the highest levels of

3 Ways To Increase Productivity In Your Higher Education Classroom Read More »

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